NOVELEX(Novel Exercise)

Dr. Arnold Scheibel a neuroscientist beleives firmly that novel tasks stimulate brain power. Challenge the brain with anything new and different. He advises people to do things they have never done before. He himself recently took up sculpture. Novelty is very biologically stimulating to the brain. The Novelex programme calls for providing the brain with novel,unique and different eperiences on a day-to-day basis. They should constitute non-routine and unexpected experiences using various combinations of your physical senses - vision, hearing,taste,smell, and touch. It differs from other types of brian exercise, such as solving puzzles, riddles, magic squares, mathematical/accounting problems and memory exercise. Novelex makes use of the five senses in novel ways to develop the brain's natural drive to form associations between different types of information.

Adults normally go through life in remarkabnly fixed routines.Most of their actions are perfectly predictable and free from surprise.The result is that our brains's ability to make new associations declines. Routine behaviours are almost subconscious in nature and performed using a minimum of brain energy. Thus the brain gets little exercise . The power of the cortex to create new associations is, therfore, not properly utilised. The human brain hungers for novelity. It is designed to repond to new information coming from the outside world. the brain gets stimulated when novel and unexpected stimuli are presented. It is what turns the brain on. In reponse to novelity, cortical activity is increase in more and varied brain areas. this strenghtens synaptic connections, links different areas together in new patterns, and pumps up the production of neurotrophins.
Noveles is neither passive nor routine. It uses the sense in novel ways to break out of everyday routines. The latest brain imaging studies have clearly established that novel tasks activate large of the cortex , indicating increased levels of brain activity in several distinct areas. Of the five senses with which we establish contact with the outside world, we mostly rley upon only the two sense of vision and hearing. the other senses of taste,smell and touch are rarely used. Novelex makes use of all the senses.
Any exercise programme demands time. One should be higly motivated to set aside a specific time to slot take up a physical exercise programme. Fortunately, NOvelex programmes are designed in such a way that they fit into what you do routinely, without taking extra time.
they are recommended as a lifestyle choice, nopt as a crash course or a quick fix. Simply by making small changes in your daily habits you can turn daily routines into 'mind-building' exercise. How ever, Novelex exercises should not become a routine affair.

The following techniques constitute Novelex:

  • Involve one or more of your senses in a novel way:
    We normally use the sense of vision for most of our routine activities. When the sense of vision is blocked, you are forced to use other senses. For example, get dressed for office with your eyes closed.
  • HAve bath with the eyes closed: All activities relating to bathing should be done with the eyes closed . Your hands will probably notice varied textures of your own body, which you were not aware of earlier.
  • Make liberal use of your non-dorminant hand.
    If you are right handed , start using your left hand for most routine work like brushing your teeth , buttoning clothes, opening the door ,turning on switches, etc. A variety of things can be done using your left hand. When you use your left hand, your right brain is stimulated, which we rarely stimulate.
  • If you are habituated to using a ball pen, use jpencil or an ink pen.
  • Take a different route to yuour office/school or college.
    When you go on yuour normal route your brain gets on automatic pilot. When anything is done automatically without any awareness, the brain is not stimulate at all.
    when you take a new route all your sense must be alert while you drive.
  • If you want to read fast, silent reading is recommended.
    But if you want to stimulate your brain readin aloud helps. You may also ask a friend to read to you. When you read aloud or listen to someone read , you use very different circuits tha when you read silently. Brain imaging clearly showed three distint brain regions lighting up when the same word was read , spoken or heard. for example, listening to words activated two distinct areas in the left and rigth hemispheres of the cortex, while speaking words activated the motor cortex on both sides of the brain as wll as the crebellum. Just looking at words activites only one area of the corted in the left hemisphere.
  • if you are a South Indian, ocassionally try Norht indian dishes.
  • You may also change the order of eating , szy start with deset. Your brain will thank you for such a change.
  • Try to identify the items of oof on your plate only through the sense of smell.
  • When you go for a walk in the morning, try to change thr route every day. If you walk in a park , try to walk with your eyes closed.
  • If you plan a vacation, visit new places and interact with new people. the more you travel the more would be the brain power. Travel broadens teh vision and percepton and also stimulates the brain. Travelling is something novel for the senses.
  • Write something creative. Creative activity stimulates the brain.
  • Learn Sign language. this would not only help you communicate with challenged people comfortabley, but stimulate your brain because of the novel way of communiocating.
  • In office or at home, once in a way , repositon the furnitur and furnishings.
  • Learn a new language, acquire new skills and also try to understand and operate any new gadgets.
  • Constantly change the pattern of whatever you are doing.

    Do all the Novelex and Find out how refreshing you will be.Home