The Robo(egoic man)

Ego makes the Man a programmed system like a Robo.

Let go of your ego to experience bliss

True art means: if it helps you to become silent, still, joyous; if it gives you a celebration; if it makes you dance — whether anybody participates with you or not is irrelevant; if it becomes a bridge between you and existence — that is true art. If it becomes a meditation, that is true art. If you become absorbed in it, so utterly absorbed that the ego disappears, that is true art.

People who can’t create become critics

And don’t be bothered what critics say. Critics don’t know anything about art. In fact, the people who cannot become artists become critics. If you cannot participate in a running race, if you cannot be an Olympic runner, at least you can stand by the side of the road and throw stones at other runners; that you can do easily.

Share, don’t ask for recognition

Sharing is one thing, and asking for recognition is totally another. Share; don’t ask for recognition. I’m not saying that recognition will not come — it will come profusely. Ask for recognition and it won’t come so profusely. Even if it comes, it will limp. Because when you ask for recognition, the other becomes reluctant to give it. Because when you are seeking your ego, the other also wants to seek his own ego. Then you provoke criticism rather than recognition. And the one who recognises your art is deep down recognising, through his recognition, his own recognition.

Art can be very meditative

And art can be the most prayerful thing, the most meditative thing possible. If you can be in any art, music, painting, sculpture, dance, if any art can take a grip of your being, that’s the best way to pray, the best way to meditate. Then you don’t need any other meditation; that is your meditation. That will lead you slowly, step by step, into existence.

Music is silence between sounds

Even when you are listening to music, what really touches your heart is not the sound but the gap between two sounds. How to bring that gap to your heart is the whole art of music. But if a man can bring that gap just by his presence, and you fall into deep silence, you will know the real music. Then you will know that what you used to think of as music was only a preliminary training.

And the same is true about dancing, the same is true about every creative art. What it appears to be is not the reality; it is just a device so that you can become aware of something intangible, hidden, beyond.

Every creative art brings you to your innermost being where there is just calmness, absolute silence.

Never be a Mr pefectionist.

These two words have to be understood as deeply as possible: one is perfection, the other is totality. My emphasis is never on perfection but on totality. The old religions have been teaching you for centuries to be perfect. You cannot be perfect; nobody can be perfect because to be perfect means to be dead.
If something is perfect then there is no evolution possible anymore. Perfection means the full point has come, the cul-de-sac; the road ends. Now you are stuck, nowhere to go. You cannot come back — because how can a perfect person come back? That will be becoming imperfect again. You cannot go ahead because you have become perfect; there is nothing ahead.
Existence is imperfect and will remain so
Be total in whatsoever you are doing. Be total. If you are angry, then be totally angry. If you are in love, then be totally in love. If you are sad, then be totally sad. Don’t be half-hearted in anything. That is a totally different approach towards life.
The perfectionist will say, "Never be angry, never be sad." The person who believes in totality will say, "Whatsoever is the case, just be total in it. Don’t be half-hearted, don’t hold yourself back. Go into it totally."
Be totally angry or sad
Then even sadness is beautiful when it is total. If you can cry and weep totally, it will refresh you, it will rejuvenate you, it will unburden you. If you can be totally sad you will come to know something immensely beautiful in sadness which no joy can ever give to you, because sadness has depth; joy is shallow. And total anger also has its own beauty. It will give you the experience of boiling at 100 degrees, of intensity, of passion, of fire, of becoming aflame. And the miracle is: the person who can be angry can be compassionate too, because anger will teach him compassion. sadness will teach him to be blissful.
Perfectionist has destroyed humanity
My approach is not that of a perfectionist; I am utterly against it. It has driven the whole of humanity into a kind of madness. The whole idea has to be dropped. We have to learn a new language of wholeness. And I call a person holy when he is whole in whatsoever he does.
Let this be your foundation of life: that whatsoever you are doing at the moment, be utterly lost into it. Nothing of you should be left behind. And you will come out of it immensely benefited, enriched.

How can you become sucessful in every encounter?

Never let a problem become an excuse, put your problem in proper perspective
What is the secret ingredient of successful people that enable them to succeed?
Why do they win when others lose?
Why do they sear when others sink?
The answer is very simple its all in how they perceive their problems. They look at problem realistically and practically. They understand the six principles that pertain to all problems.
What are these principles?
If you know them, understood them and practices them, would you, too be a winner , a survivor? you bet? here they are Listen carefully and adopt them as your own.

1.Every living human being has problems.
What is your problem? Are you unemployed> If you're an impossibility thinker you probably think that a job would solve all your problems.
Nobody is free from problems. A problem free life is an illusion a mirage in the desert it is dangerously deceptive perception, which can mislead, blind and distract . To purpose a problem free life is to run after an elusive fantasy; it is a waste of mental and physical energies. Every living human person has problems .Accept that fact and move on to the second principle.
2. Every problem has a limited life span.
Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. Problems do end. they do go away they are all resolved in time.
3.Every problem holds positive possibilities.
I t is the glory of God to conceal a thing. Every problem contains secret ingredients of some creative potential either for yourself or some else.
There are two sides to every coin.
What may be a problem to some one can be a profitable business for others.
Every problems holds possibilities for some willing to look for them.
4.Every problem Will change you .
Problems never leave us the way they found us. Every person is effected by the problems. No one emerges from a problem untouched by problems.
5.You can choose what your problem will do to you
You may not be able to control the problems but you can compose your response. You can turn your pain into profanity or into poetry. the choice is up to you. The choice is up to you. You may not have chosen your tough time, but you can choose how you will react to it.
when you control your reaction to the seemingly uncontrollable problems of life, then in fact you do control the problems effect only you. Your reaction to the problem is the last word!
That's the bottom line. what will you let this problem do to you?
It can make you tender or tough. It can make you better or bitter. It all depends on you.
6.There is a negative and a positive reaction to every problem.
In the final analysis the taught people who survive the tough times do so because they 'll chosen to react positively to their predicament. This is not always as easy as it sounds.
When you can't solve the problem manage it.
Twelve principles for Managing Problems positively
If you have a problem today any problem, I can help you if you'll let me. I offer to you the principles.
1.Don't Underestimate.
Don't underestimate the problem or your potential power to cope with it creativity! Unquestionably many problems are never resolved or managed effectively because they are not taken seriously enough.
2.Don't exaggerate
Instead of underestimating the problem, your instinctive reaction is to exaggerate it. The one battle most people lose is the battle over the fear of failure, try start begin and you'll be assured. You won the first round.
3. Don't wait
There is a time and place for patience. After you have breed every avenue possible and have planted as many seeds of solutions as you can . Patience is not virtue if you sit back and wait for your problems to solve itself.
4.Don't aggravate
We have the power to make any problem better or worse. We do this when we react positively or negatively. The Normal reaction would be to feel threatened by the problem, Threatened people become angry people. Fearful people reflect hatred. Hatred and anger only aggravate the problem they are not positive reactions. They will not help solve the problem.
5. Illuminate
I illuminate your mind. Get smart and then get smarter/ Ask yourself some questions.
6. Motivate
when you consider all of the positive reactions, you will be motivated to positive action
Need a job? Go to where the jobs are and then throw out the bait. Put in your application. Put ads in the paper. Let people know you are available.

Every problem , even yours is loaded with possibilities. you can turn your mountain into a gold mine. try "possibilities". Be live that every time one door close another will open. Sublimate your problem. That means believing that every adversity holds with in it the seeds of an undeveloped possibility.
10Now Dedicate
Most people fail , not because they lack intelligent, ability opportunity, or talent, but because they haven't given their problem all they have got.
Any one can succeed if he can get enthusiastic about life . even when life seems empty. Doors will open to the enthusiastic person first.
11. communicate.
manage your problem by remembering that often times the solution lies in help from other source. Do you need help Then ask for it. Don't be too proud to tell people you need help.
Don't isolate yourself from help but do insulate yourself from negative forces and negative personalities.
Maintain a positive mental attitude becomes a near impossible task if we allow ourselves to be bombarded by the negative tough ts that constantly. Surround as
Gods delays
are not
Gods denials

creative mind creates innovation

Innovation the new catchy word in the world whether it's the IBM Add or the business companies every one wants innovation. But from where the innovation comes?

The paradox of art is that first you have to learn its discipline and then you have to forget it totally. If you don’t know its ABC you will not be able to move very deep into it. But if you know only its technique and you go on practising the technique your whole life you may become very skilful technically, but you will remain a technician; you will never become an artist.

Learn the technique and then unlearn it

In Zen they say, if you want to be a painter, for 12 years learn how to paint and then for 12 years forget all about painting. Just completely forget — it has nothing to do with you. For 12 years meditate, chop wood, carry water from the well. Do anything, but not painting. And then one day you will be able to paint.

Let the technique be part of you

Twenty-four years of training. 12 years training in learning the technique and 12 years training in forgetting the technique. And then you can paint. Now the technique has become just a part of you; it is no longer technical knowledge, it has become part of your blood and bones and marrow. Now you can be spontaneous. It will not hinder you, it will not imprison you.

Creativity is being innovative

Innovate new ways, new means. Try something new that nobody has ever done. The greatest creativity happens in people whose training is of some other discipline.

For example, if a mathematician starts playing music he will bring something new to the world of music. If a musician becomes a mathematician he will bring something new to the world of mathematics. All great creativity happens through people who move from one discipline to another. It is like crossbreeding. And children that come out of crossbreeding are far healthier, far more beautiful.

Creative person may not be famous

One thing has to be remembered: if you are really creative you may not become famous. A really creative person takes time to become famous because he has to create the values — new values, new criteria, only then can he be judged. If you want fame, then forget all about creativity.

Whenever you bring something new into the world you are bound to be rejected. The world never forgives a person who brings anything new to the world. The world appreciates the uncreative but skilful person, the technically perfect person, because technical perfection simply means perfection of the past. And everybody understands the past. To bring something new into the world means nobody will be able to appreciate it. It is so new that there are not any criteria against which it can be valued.

Happiness means tremendous depth

Understand the very motivation of all ideas, thoughts, desires. It is a seed-like thing. Watch inside — why can’t you be here now? Why is it always that you are thinking of somewhere else? Why can’t you be happy as you are? Why are you thinking that tomorrow you will be happy? How can you be happy tomorrow if you are not happy today? Because tomorrow is going to be born out of this moment.

Today is a parent of tomorrow
If you are unhappy today, you will be more unhappy tomorrow. By that time you will have learned many more tricks to be unhappy. You are practising it, and you hope tomorrow to be happy? Then you are in a hopeless rut. You desire for tomorrow and you are continuously missing all that is here, and that is the only reality there is. If you can even for a single moment put aside desiring, then the projector stops, and the dreaming stops, and you are able to face reality.

Maturity happens when you start living without hope

Hope is childish. You become mature when you don’t project hope into the future. In fact, you are mature when you don’t have any future; you just live in the moment because that is the only reality there is. In the past, religion used to talk about the hereafter. Those were the childish, immature days of religion. Now religion talks about here now; religion has come of age.

The new religion of here now

Now another sort of religion is asserting itself all over the world, and this religion is about here-now. There is nowhere else to go and there is no other space and no other time to live, only this space and this time, here and now. Life has to become very intense in this moment. A man who lives in hope dissipates life. He spreads it too thin. Happiness means intensity, tremendous depth.

Drop hope and live intensely

When I say drop all hope, I mean be so intense in the moment that there is no need for the future. Then there is a turning, a transformation. The very quality of time changes for you it becomes eternal. What can you do with hope? In fact, what can you hope? You cannot hope for the new. You can only hope for the old, that which has happened before — maybe with a little modification here and there, a little more decorated.

But hope is nothing but past: you have lived something, you have experienced something, and you again and again hope for it. It is a repetition; it is circular.

Real joy comes from within

Joy is not happiness, because happiness is always mixed with unhappiness. It is never found in purity, it is always polluted. It always has a long shadow of misery behind it. Just as day is followed by night, happiness is followed by unhappiness.

Joy is a state of transcendence

Then what is joy? Joy is a state of transcendence. One is neither happy nor unhappy, but utterly peaceful, quiet, in absolute equilibrium; so silent and so alive that his silence is a song, that his song is nothing but his silence. Joy is forever; happiness is momentary. Happiness is caused by the outside, hence can be taken away from the outside — you have to depend on others. And any dependence is ugly, any dependence is a bondage. Joy arises within, it has nothing to do with the outside. It is not caused by others, it is not caused at all.

Joy is the spontaneous flow of your own energy

If your energy is stagnant there is no joy. If your energy becomes a flow, a movement, a river, there is great joy — for no other reason, just because you become more fluid, more flowing, more alive. A song is born in your heart, a great ecstasy arises.

It is a surprise when it arises, because you cannot find any cause for it. It is the most mysterious experience in life: something uncaused, something beyond the law of cause and effect. It need not be caused because it is your intrinsic nature, you are born with it. It is you in your totality, flowing.

The flow is always towards the ocean

Whenever you are flowing, you are flowing towards the ocean. That is the joy: the dance of the river moving towards the ocean to meet the ultimate beloved. When your life is a stagnant pool you are simply dying. But when you are flowing, the ocean is coming closer every moment, and the closer the river comes, the more dance there is, the more ecstasy there is.

Your consciousness is a river

It is a continuity, an eternal continuity, an eternal flow. Buddha has never thought about you and your being as something static. In his vision, the word "being" is not right. According to him, being is nothing but becoming. He denies being; he accepts becoming, because being gives you a static idea of something inside you like a rock. Becoming gives you a totally different idea: like a river, like a lotus opening, like a sunrise. Something is constantly happening. You are not sitting there like a rock, you are growing.

Unselfish work

This world is not for cowards. do not try to fly. Look not for success or failure. Join yourself to the perfectly unselfish will and work on.Know that the mind whic h is born to succed joins itself to a determined will and perseveres.You have the right to work,but do not become so degenerate as to look for results. Work incessantly, but see something behind the work. Even good deeds can find a man in great bondage.Therefore be not bound by good deeds can find a man in great boundage.Therefore be nor bound by good deeds or by desire for fame.Those who know this secret pass beyond this round of birth and death and become immortal.


As the Medics say, Accupressure is a form of Physiotherapy which uses the method of message and stimulation of precise points of the body in order to heal all kind of pains and to provide relief from tension, exhaustion and other ailments. Accupressure has come out as a major healer for even the patients of chronic diseases like kidney and heart patient. In these cases however, Accupressure therapy is given in the guidance of the Doctor treating the patient for the Chronic Disease.

According to the Scientific research, pain or numbness in any part of the body is the indicative of an ailment in the body. Accupressure works on reliving the pain and getting the senses back to the numbed part of the human body. To see the indication, first it is made known to the patient how pain is felt. In our body, there are certain chemicals known as Endophrins. The signal of pain goes to the spinal cord, from where it passes to the motor nerves. This involves the reflex action with no involvement of the brain. From here the pain signal goes to the thalamus from spinalcord. It is this point in the brain where pain is felt. This imbalance of energy is treated by Accupressure.

Method of Accupressure :

As per the Accupressure Therapists, the body energy circulates through 14 meridians at the surface (on the skin) and 8 channels under the surface (under the skin). The energy circulation begins with the lung channel and passes through twelve meridians which are related to major body parts. The pain arises when this energy channel is not properly circulated. The Accupressure therapy works on channelizing this energy, thus treating the patient and reliving him of all the pains.

The method of accupressure is comparatively easy. The point is to release the blocked energy from the body, so that the pain is eased out. If you want to treat a particular point then pressurize that point using your thumb or any of the pencils provided by the Accupressurists. Now give an equal time to the same point on the other side of the body. The rule of accupressure is that if a point is tender, it will benefit from being pressed. Once the point is pressed, the blocked point will release energy from it. The point has to be pressurized for about 20 minutes, with inclusions of 5 minutes each. While you keep on pressurizing the point, keep in mind that the next point has to has to be less pressurized than the first one. You can use fingertips, knuckles, or thumbs to press the ailed point.

One of the best ways to pressurize the point is gripping the hand or feet or any other painful body part with one hand and then pressurizing the paining point. This way you will have a better grip of the point you are pressurizing.

In Accupressure there are particular points for every kind of ailment they treat. This Chart can be had from the Accupressure Centers. But the best way is first to learn the art of Accupressure, then try it on oneself. Easy as it is, it can be learn in a duration of a month. However for Chronic Diseases, its better to get the Therapy done from the Therapists only.


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Famous India > Healing Therapies > Accupressure


As the Medics say, Accupressure is a form of Physiotherapy which uses the method of message and stimulation of precise points of the body in order to heal all kind of pains and to provide relief from tension, exhaustion and other ailments. Accupressure has come out as a major healer for even the patients of chronic diseases like kidney and heart patient. In these cases however, Accupressure therapy is given in the guidance of the Doctor treating the patient for the Chronic Disease.

According to the Scientific research, pain or numbness in any part of the body is the indicative of an ailment in the body. Accupressure works on reliving the pain and getting the senses back to the numbed part of the human body. To see the indication, first it is made known to the patient how pain is felt. In our body, there are certain chemicals known as Endophrins. The signal of pain goes to the spinal cord, from where it passes to the motor nerves. This involves the reflex action with no involvement of the brain. From here the pain signal goes to the thalamus from spinal cord. It is this point in the brain where pain is felt. This imbalance of energy is treated by Accupressure.

Accupressure for migrane
Accupressure for Migrane
First of all message your hair thoroughly. Now place your thumb underneath the skull one either side of the spinal column. Tilt your head back slightly and press upward for 2 minutes while breathing deeply. The point where you are pressurizing is known as the Gates of Consciousness Point.

Accupressure for Back Ache
Accupressure for Backache
Lie on your back with your legs up and your knees bent. Place your fingertips in the center of the crease behind each knee. Holding on to these points, gently rock your legs back and forth for one minute as you breathe deeply. When you're done let your feet rest flat on the floor, with your knees bent, and relax. Repeat this method 10 times a day to be relived of the pain.

Method of Accupressure :

As per the Accupressure Therapists, the body energy circulates through 14 meridians at the surface (on the skin) and 8 channels under the surface (under the skin). The energy circulation begins with the lung channel and passes through twelve meridians which are related to major body parts. The pain arises when this energy channel is not properly circulated. The Accupressure therapy works on channelizing this energy, thus treating the patient and reliving him of all the pains.

The method of accupressure is comparatively easy. The point is to release the blocked energy from the body, so that the pain is eased out. If you want to treat a particular point then pressurize that point using your thumb or any of the pencils provided by the Accupressurists. Now give an equal time to the same point on the other side of the body. The rule of accupressure is that if a point is tender, it will benefit from being pressed. Once the point is pressed, the blocked point will release energy from it. The point has to be pressurized for about 20 minutes, with inclusions of 5 minutes each. While you keep on pressurizing the point, keep in mind that the next point has to has to be less pressurized than the first one. You can use fingertips, knuckles, or thumbs to press the ailed point.

One of the best ways to pressurize the point is gripping the hand or feet or any other painful body part with one hand and then pressurizing the paining point. This way you will have a better grip of the point you are pressurizing.

In Accupressure there are particular points for every kind of ailment they treat. This Chart can be had from the Accupressure Centers. But the best way is first to learn the art of Accupressure, then try it on oneself. Easy as it is, it can be learn in a duration of a month. However for Chronic Diseases, its better to get the Therapy done from the Therapists only.

Accupressure Therapy!

Centres for Accupressure Therapy

# Indian Institute of Alternative Medicines - 86 Chowringhee Road - Calcutta
# Ahrcdp Accupressure Clinic, Jamia Nagar, Near Sacred Heart School - New Delhi
# Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science, Mayanagar, Cidco, Jalana Road - Aurangabad
# Sankalpa, Yoga & Natural Health Centre, Bhuvaneswarinagar, Banasanakri III - Bangalore
# Dr.H.Bhojraj, M.D. (ACU), 'E' Block, II Stage, Rajajinagar, Bangalore

# Accupressure is a scientifically proven science, still if you want to practice it on your own, you need to first learn it from a Govt. Registered Accupressure Therapy Centre.
# Accupressure can be practised at home, but for bigger ailments, it needs to be done by a Accupressure Therapist only.
# Those having ailments like kidney and heart problems, need to consult with their doctors before going for any kind of Treatment.
# The Accupressure Treatment is a lengthy one and can take years to treat the ailment. Still its also one of the best practised treatments at home for all ages.
# It is of utmost importance that the pregnant ladies discuss any kind of treatment before undergoing any treatment.
# Accupressure is used for treating various ailments like depression, weight loss, asthma, high blood pressure, arthritis, sciatia, trauma, peripheral circulation problem, muscle strains, ankle joint swelling, hay fever, cramps, bed sores, pregnancy and so on. But before going for any of the above, consult your doctor.
# For Tours and further information, contact us.

Benfits of accupressure

Many people use acupuncture to help with specific symptoms or conditions. These might include anxiety states, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibrositis, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions or ulcers. Accupressure is a safe treatment for all. It has proved to be effective in pregnancy management and for the relief of pain in childbirth. Accupressure is also helpful for people trying to overcome addictions such as those related to smoking, alcohol, food or drugs.

Some people may have acupuncture as a preventive measure to strengthen their constitution, or because they feel unwell in themselves without being `ill` in the western sense. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease. As with any therapy, the response to acupuncture can vary from one person to another.

Oriental medicine is a holistic approach, which is based on the treatment of all bodily systems. Acupuncture benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity. Accupressure works directly with the body`s energy or qi, as acupuncture practitioners believe that all illnesses are a result of the natural flow of energy through the body becoming stuck, depleted or weakened and thus making the individual susceptible to illness. Accupressure benefits the rebalance of qi through treatment of specific acupoints related to symptoms or illness present. Treatment is effective in removing these energy obstructions.

Through clinical trials, Accupressure has been proven effective in treating various medical conditions and its use has been expanded into conventional medicine practices. Although best known for the control of pain, Accupressure benefits a wide variety of disorders. Respiratory disorders such as sinusitis, common cold, bronchitis and asthma can be effectively treated with Accupressure. Conjunctivitis, (pink eye), near sightedness and cataracts are a few of the eye disorders Accupressure benefits. Toothache can be reduced through Accupressure. Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders including paralysis following stroke, frozen shoulder or tennis elbow, sciatica and osteoarthritis are also treatable with Accupressure.

With certain health conditions, Accupressure can be effective enough to reduce or eliminate the need to take drugs to control pain or symptoms. Additional benefits of Accupressure are faster recovery from injuries, decreased symptoms of stress and improved circulation. Accupressure benefits the strengthening of the immune system function, which through treatment is better able to withstand colds, minor infections, and flu. Post-surgical nausea and vomiting can also be reduced through Accupressure. Many post-surgical patients find that Accupressure treatment is effective in increasing energy, and brings a sense of vitality. It also benefits the individual through a sense of restoring a sense of "normal self" after surgery or illness.

Multiple emotional or psychological disorders can be treated by Accupressure, which benefits addictions, phobias, obsessive behavior, eating disorders, and anxiety. Accupressure can also be beneficial when used alongside conventional medicine treatments for both acute and chronic disease. Often used as a form of preventative medicine, acupuncture is beneficial in preventing illness from occurring. Many people receive Accupressure without suffering from any particular malady or ailment. Treatment strengthens general constitution, and can correct a feeling of being unwell although there is no physical disorder, imbalance or illness in the traditional western medicine sense.

Benefits of AccupressureAccupressure has the great advantage of being safe and non-invasive compared to surgery and other techniques. It is free from the weakening side-effects of drugs. It is holistic and curative rather than merely symptomatic or palliative. The long-term effects are to strengthen the child. The following is a list of disorders that can be treated by Accupressure (world health organization data):

Respiratory: acute sinusitis, acute rhinitis, common cold, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Eye: acute conjunctivitis, short sightedness (in children), cataract (without complications).
Mouth: toothache, post extraction pain, gingivitis (gum disease), acute and chronic pharyngitis.
Gastrointestinal disorders: hiccups, gastritis, gastric hyperacidity, ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and paralytic ileus.
Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders: headache and migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, paralysis following stroke, meniere`s disease, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting), intercostal neuralgia (pain in the ribs), cervicobrachial syndrome (pain radiating from neck to arm), "frozen shoulder" or "tennis elbow", sciatica, low back pain and osteoarthritis.

Acupressure Techniques and methods

Various techniques applied in an acupressure treatment include pressing, rubbing, gentle stretching, and rolling, chafing, kneading, wiping and grasping, as well as corrective exercises. Varying levels of pressure are used, most often starting by applying light pressure and gradually working deeper. The practitioner may focus more energy or pressure on a specific point or series of points, depending on the individual`s chief complaint, or the entire course of a meridian may be addressed.

Acupressure Techniques and methodsWhen the point is located and your fingers are comfortably positioned right on the spot gradually lean your weight toward the point to apply the pressure. Using the weight of your upper body (and not just your hands) enables you to apply firm pressure without strain. Direct the pressure perpendicularly to the surface of the skin as you take several long, slow, deep breaths. Hold for a few minutes until you feel a regular pulse or until the soreness at the point decreases. Then gradually release the pressure, finishing with a soothing touch.

Light touch
Therapeutically, light touch is recognized as more effective for treating acute conditions while deep touch is considered better for chronic conditions. Though deep touch may provide an intense sensation, it should always be within the client`s tolerance of discomfort. Although you may be tempted to massage or rub the entire area, it is best just to hold the point steadily with direct finger pressure.

The rule of thumb is to apply slow, firm pressure on the point at a 90 degree angle from the surface of the skin. If you are pulling the skin, then the angle of pressure is incorrect. Consciously and gradually direct the pressure into the center of the part of the body you are working on. It`s important to apply and release finger pressure gradually because this allows the tissues time to respond, promoting healing. The better your concentration as you move your fingers slowly into and out of the point, the more effective the treatment will be.

After repeated acupressure sessions using different degrees of pressure, you will begin to feel a pulse at the point. This pulsation is a good sign - it means that circulation has increased. Pay attention to the type of pulse you feel. If it`s very faint or throbbing, hold the point longer until the pulse balances.

If your hand gets tired, slowly withdraw pressure from the point, gently shake out your hand, and take a few deep breaths. When you`re ready, go back to the point and gradually apply pressure until you reach the depth where it hurts good. Again, press directly on painful site (which often moves, so follow and stay with it) until you feel a clear, regular pulse or until the pain diminishes. Then slowly decrease the finger pressure, ending with about twenty seconds of light touch.

Each body - and each area of the body - requires a different amount of pressure. If it hurts a great deal when you apply pressure on a point, then use light touch instead of pressure. The calves, the face, and genital areas are sensitive. The back, buttocks, and shoulders, especially if the musculature is developed, usually need deeper, firmer pressure.

After repeated acupressure sessions using different degrees of pressure, you will begin to feel a pulse at the point. This pulsation is a good sign - it means that circulation has increased. Pay attention to the type of pulse you feel. If it`s very faint or throbbing, hold the point longer until the pulse balances.

Deep touch
At each impulse our body reacts, adjusting in order to restore the balance. The soft tissue, in this case, relaxes or contracts leading to movement in the muscles or in the joints. The stimulus, that could be a sound, a thought or an intention, provokes a number of body forms which, for their natural tendency, express themselves. To prevent this natural response would be an unnecessary waste of energy. In fact, when the body doesn`t adapt to the stimulus, it produces stress. By pin-pointing the deep touch technique on the relevant reflex points, a specialist in this unique treatment can encourage self-healing to begin by channeling vital energy to flow to the most adversely affected areas.

Various techniques applied in an acupressure treatment include pressing, rubbing, gentle stretching, and rolling, chafing, kneading, wiping and grasping, as well as corrective exercises. Varying levels of pressure are used, most often starting by applying light pressure and gradually working deeper. The practitioner may focus more energy or pressure on a specific point or series of points, depending on the individual`s chief complaint, or the entire course of a meridian may be addressed.

The meridians, or channels, connect the internal organs through 12 primary and 8 extra meridians. These meridians, through which qi travels, emerge at the surface of the body. Therapeutically, deep touch is considered better for chronic conditions. Though deep touch may provide an intense sensation, it should always be within the client`s tolerance of discomfort.

A deep touch technique is used to find the tender and nodular areas in the feet and relate them to the relevant anatomical areas of the body. These nodules are treated by applying a precise deep touch technique, thereby helping the related the distant areas of the body to receive energy for healing. It is used to concentrate on the tender and nodular areas in the feet - those areas which are under the most stress - and relate them to specific areas of the body.

With subtle but deep touch stimulate acupuncture channels (meridians) using thumbs, fingers, elbows and knees. Gentle or dynamic stretches and joint rotations promote deep relaxation, helping your vital body energy (qi) back to balance. It can be a very deep touch to disperse energy that stimulates to encourage energy flow.

Imbalances at particular points along the meridian lines and within the organs themselves can be perceived with a deep touch sensitivity and particular technique, equilibrium can be restored. Holding tension points located on the face and body with a deep touch can help to relieve bodily aches and pains, reducing muscular and emotional stress and providing relaxation of both body and psyche. At times treatment may be deeply relaxing and other times it can be deep, direct causing soreness often described by clients as `good pain`. It is important to communicate if you are not comfortable with deep, releasing and effective pressure however, it is equally important to ask for more pressure and not shy away from the deep touch.

Gentle massage
Gentle massage has many benefits for those with arthritis. Massage therapy can provide pain relief, soothe stiff sore muscles and reduce inflammation and swelling. Massage and gentle stretching help maintain range of motion for your joints. By applying gentle massage to your reflexes, this therapy improves circulation and relieves stress and tension. When your body is in this natural state of relaxation, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self-healing may occur.

Reflexology is an ancient, natural, non-invasive therapy that is based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the hands and feet, which correspond to all glands, organs and parts of the body. Stimulation of these reflexes by applying gentle massage and specific pressure point techniques helps create a relaxed, healthy and harmonious state of being. Reflexology improves blood and nerve supply, removing congestion and blockages, restoring balance, improving energy and relieving stress and tension. Acupressure Techniques and methods

brahma sutra

Brahmavidya is a Method
Eligibility, Course Content, Duration & Fees
Breath & Thought – Foundation of Life
Time Required For Practice
Observed Benefits
Beyond Basic Course

Brahmavidya is a Method

Most religions teach that there is a spark of the Divine in every human being. Brahmavidya merely helps you to realize this more clearly and to use the Supreme Intelligence within, in a very practical way. Being potentially divine, man has within him all the power required to overcome his difficulties and problems. Brahmavidya teaches definite methods by which a person can overcome all of his physical and mental problems and lead a better, happier life.

We hope that this introduction to Brahmavidya would inspire you to remove by the root all that appears to be evil in your life and replace it with real happiness, comfort and success. This can happen here and now, in the year in which we are living if you give yourself an opportunity to learn and practise these rare methods.

YOU can use these methods for mastering your personal problems, for building the superior mind and ability and power necessary to carry out your ambitions, to fulfil your desires, and to give you greater strength to fight off sickness and old age. No matter what your talents, no matter what your ambitions, you should learn the way to call upon the SOURCE OF ALL INSPIRATION within you. What have you done to get in touch with the Source of all inspiration - the Divine Power within you? The supreme purpose of Brahmavidya is to do this for you.

Eligibility, Course Content, Duration & Fees

• Any person above 18 years in age can join this course.
• The Basic Course comprises of THREE parts:

Pranayam and 8 Spiritual Breathing Exercises which are to be practised daily in the morning.

Simple methods of Meditation which are to be practised during night or early morning as may be found convenient.

Related philosophical topics explaining the fundamental principles of LIFE.

• Written lessons are given every week so that one can study these subjects at home.

• The duration of the course is 22 sessions of 1 ½ hours conducted once a week or 5 days Residential Workshop.

• Donation for the course by 22 weekly sessions is Rs. 750/- and for the residential workshop it Rs. 3500/- inclusive of lodging and boarding.

• It also can be done through Postal Course.

Breath & Thought – Foundation of Life

The purpose of this course of Brahmavidya is to show you the correct way to use these two important aspects of our life - BREATH & THOUGHT.

Our BREATH is OUR LIFE. Life continues only till breathing continues. Thus our life is totally dependant on our breathing. Through our breath we receive Oxygen and Prana energy (Life Force). Oxygen helps in purification of blood whereas the Prana energy is used by the nervous system. Most diseases and illnesses are caused due to insufficient supply of Oxygen and Prana energy.

Though we are breathing right since our birth, it does not ensure that our breathing is correct. Moreover, as we do not pay for the air that we breathe or make any conscious effort to breathe, we do not give importance to our breathing. We can breathe correctly only by learning it.

By practising the Spiritual Breathing Exercises taught in this course we learn correct breathing. Through regular practice the capacity of the lungs increases, the body learns and forms a habit of right breathing, bringing in more Oxygen and Prana energy. This makes the body healthy and efficient. Breath (Prana) brings Health in our body, Joy in our mind and Peace in our spirit. Our two nostrils are truly the gateway to Heaven.

As Right Breathing purifies our body, Right Meditation cleans our mind. Regular practice of meditation improves mental outlook of the person and makes him more positive, cheerful, optimistic and confident. Due to better physical and mental health a person can do his daily work more efficiently. This can make him more successful at his job, his business or his profession.

Breath and Thought are the two basic elements on which our life is completely dependent. We cannot think of life without Breath or Thought. We have been using these two elements right since our birth, yet no one has ever taught us how to use these fundamental forces of our life.

Time Required For Practice

It takes about 60 minutes to practice all the Eight Spiritual Breathing Exercises taught in the Basic Course. Of course, we do not have to devote 60 minutes from the first day and capacity of the body to take such exercise has to be gradually increased over a period of time.

Practice of various Meditation techniques taught in the Basic Course requires about 60 minutes.

Depending upon the level of interest and availability of time one can devote more time, but minimum requirement is 20 minutes for Breathing Exercises in the morning and 20 minutes for Meditation at Night.


Observed Benefits

Brahmavidya is not like a medicine, which is meant for a particular ailment. It is a system, which helps to remove root cause of illness and promote health. Hence in principle it is useful for any disorder of body and mind.

Breathing exercises and Meditation have been found useful to get rid of Asthma and other breathing troubles such as chronic cold & cough, high blood pressure, Spondilitis, backache, heart trouble, joint pain and many other ailments.

On the mental level benefits such as reduction in the restlessness, fear & tension, better concentration, self-confidence, more calm & composed nature have been observed.

Beyond Basic Course

Further teaching in Brahmavidya is available in following two courses of ascending level.

• Advance Course: This course is of 104 weeks. One can join this Course only after successful completion of the Basic Course.

• Teachers' Training Course: This course is of 96 weeks. This Course is only by selection. After completion of Advance Course if the student is found suitable then he is given admission for this course.


Health and Success! What more a person can ask in life? Brahmavidya Seems to be a formula for complete life!
But, Health and Success are so different from one another! Health is of the Body, whereas Success is related to so many different things. How can Brahmavidya help to achieve both?
How is it useful to a common man in his daily life?
Can we say Brahmavidya is a science of happy life? What methods are taught in Brahmavidya?
Which ailments are cured with Brahmavidya?
How much time one has to devote for these Breathing Exercises and Meditation?
What is the Origin of this teaching?

Health and Success! What more a person can ask in life? Brahmavidya Seems to be a formula for complete life!

Yes, that sounds fantastic; isn't it? Here I will briefly explain the principles of Brahmavidya. I do hope that it will inspire you to join the Brahmavidya class and verify the efficacy of these methods by your own personal experience.
But, Health and Success are so different from one another! Health is of the Body, whereas Success is related to so many different things. How can Brahmavidya help to achieve bother?

It is quite true that Health and Success appear to be very different from each other. Yet both these are dependent upon following the Order of Life.

All truth is hidden and if we limit our observation only to the appearance we can never comprehend the truth. One may say that every scientific discovery is a proof of this. 'Appearances are deceptive'. For example, the earth looks quite flat, but actually it is round; it appears that the sun rises every morning in the east, but actually there is no sunrise.

As the modern science tells us about the laws of the material universe, Brahmavidya tells us about deeper truths about your life, my life - human life! When we follow these laws in our life, it makes our life orderly. And what we call as Health or Success is nothing but ORDER.

How is it useful to a common man in his daily life?

Brahmavidya teaches that every human being is potentially divine. Hence he has within him all the power required to overcome his difficulties and problems. Brahmavidya gives definite methods by which a person can overcome all of his physical and mental problems and lead a healthier, more successful and happier life.

Can we say Brahmavidya is a science of happy life? What methods are taught in Brahmavidya?

Yes, Brahmavidya is a Science of Life teaching human beings the spiritual laws of life. These Spiritual laws operate in human life through Breath and Thought. We cannot think of life without Breath or Thought. Hence Brahmavidya teachings emphasize on Breath and Thought, which are the basic elements of life.

Though we are using Breath and Thought right from our birth no one has ever taught us correct way of Breathing or thinking. You will be surprised to know that average person uses only 10% of his lung capacity. Brahmavidya teaches a) Spiritual Breathing Exercises, which improve breathing and b) Meditation techniques, which improve thinking. The Breathing Exercises purify the body and Meditation purifies the mind.

Which ailments are cured with Brahmavidya?

Brahmavidya is not like a medicine, which is meant for a particular ailment. It is a system, which helps to remove root cause of illness and promote health. Breathing exercises and Meditation have been found useful to get rid of asthma and other breathing troubles, high blood pressure, spondilitis, backache, heart trouble, chronic cold and cough and many other ailments.

The practice also improves mental outlook of the person and makes him more positive, cheerful, optimistic and confident. Due to better physical and mental health a person can do his daily work more efficiently. This can make him more successful at his job, his business or his profession.

How much time one has to devote for these Breathing Exercises and Meditation?

Depending upon the level of interest and availability of time one can devote more time, but minimum requirement is 20 minutes for breathing exercises in the morning and 20 minutes for meditation at night. The methods are simple yet very effective. Any person above the age of 18 years can learn and practice without any difficulty.

What is the Origin of this teaching?

This is a very ancient system of Spiritual Practice or Sadhana. The System of Practice originated in India, then migrated to Tibet and has now come back to us from Tibet.

Golden eggs

You know sometimes we're so busy chasing goals
that we lose ourselves in the process. Remember
the story of the goose that laid the golden egg?

One day, a farmer discovers his pet goose has
laid a golden egg. But instead of looking after
the goose and nurturing it, he decides to splice
open it's belly to get more eggs!

To his dismay, the farmer doesn't find any more
golden eggs and even worse, the goose is now dead!

Being successful is not just about getting more
golden eggs or results. If you want to be happy
in the long run, you also need to take care of
the asset that creates your results - that is YOU



This is to be realised. The Buddha said emphatically: ‘This is a Truth to be realised here and now.’ We do not have to wait until we die to find out if it’s all true - this teaching is for living human beings like ourselves. Each one of us has to realise it. I may tell you about it and encourage you to do it but I can’t make you realise it!

Don’t think of it as something remote or beyond your ability. When we talk about Dhamma or Truth, we say that is here and now, and something we can see for ourselves. We can turn to it; we can incline towards the Truth. We can pay attention to the way it is, here and now, at this time and this place. That’s mindfulness - being alert and bringing attention to the way it is. Through mindfulness, we investigate the sense of self, this sense of me and mine: my body, my feelings, my memories, my thoughts, my views, my opinions, my house, my car and so on.

My tendency was self-disparagement so, for example, with the thought: ‘I am Sumedho,’ I’d think of myself in negative terms: ‘I’m no good.’ But listen, from where does that arise and where does it cease?...or, ‘I’m really better than you, I’m more highly attained. I’ve been living the Holy Life for a long time so I must be better than any of you!’ Where does THAT arise and cease?

When there is arrogance, conceit or self-disparagement - whatever it is - examine it; listen inwardly; ‘I am....’ Be aware and attentive to the space before you think it; then think it and notice the space that follows. Sustain your attention on that emptiness at the end and see how long you can hold your attention on it. See if you can hear a kind of ringing sound in the mind, the sound of silence, the primordial sound. When you concentrate your attention on that, you can reflect: ‘Is there any sense of self?’ You see that when you’re really empty - when there’s just clarity, alertness and attention - there’s no self. There’s no sense of me and mine. So, I go to that empty state and I contemplate Dhamma: I think, ‘This is just as it is. This body here is just this way.’ I can give it a name or not but right now, it’s just this way. It’s not Sumedho!

There’s no Buddhist monk in the emptiness. ‘Buddhist monk’ is merely a convention, appropriate to time and place. When people praise you and say, ‘How wonderful’, you can know it as someone giving praise without taking it personally. You know there’s no Buddhist monk there; it’s just Suchness. It’s just this way. If I want Amaravati to be a successful place and it is a great success, I’m happy. But if it all fails, if no one is interested, we can’t pay the electricity bill and everything falls apart - failure! But really, there’s no Amaravati. The idea of a person who is a Buddhist monk or a place called Amaravati - these are only conventions, not ultimate realities. Right now it’s just this way, just the way it’s supposed to be. One doesn’t carry the burden of such a place on one’s shoulders because one sees it as it really is and there’s no person to be involved in it. Whether it succeeds or fails is no longer important in the same way.

In emptiness, things are just what they are. When we are aware in this way, it doesn’t mean that we are indifferent to success or failure and that we don’t bother to do anything. We can apply ourselves. We know what we can do; we know what has to be done and we can do it in the right way. Then everything becomes Dhamma, the way it is. We do things because that is the right thing to be doing at this time and in this place rather than out of a sense of personal ambition or fear of failure.

The path to the cessation of suffering is the path of perfection. Perfection can be a rather daunting word because we feel very imperfect. As personalities, we wonder how we can dare to even entertain the possibility of being perfect. Human perfection is something no one ever talks about; it doesn’t seem at all possible to think of perfection in regard to being human. But an arahant is simply a human being who has perfected life, someone who has learned everything there is to learn through the basic law: ‘All that is subject to arising is subject to ceasing.’ An arahant does not need to know everything about everything; it is only necessary to know and fully understand this law.

We use Buddha wisdom to contemplate Dhamma, the way things are. We take Refuge in Sangha, in that which is doing good and refraining from doing evil. Sangha is one thing, a community. It’s not a group of individual personalities or different characters. The sense of being an individual person or a man or a woman is no longer important to us. This sense of Sangha is realised as a Refuge. There is that unity so that even though the manifestations are all individual, our realisation is the same. Through being awake, alert and no longer attached, we realise cessation and we abide in emptiness where we all merge. There’s no person there. People may arise and cease in the emptiness, but there’s no person. There’s just clarity, awareness, peacefulness and purity.



here is a perfect timing within everything. Within every thought, feeling and action there is a divine alignment to the cycles of the seasons, planets, stars, and galaxies. One cannot hurry the ripening process of a fruit, force a baby to develop faster, nor increase the planet's momentum around our Sun. The planet is moving through space around the Sun at the perfect speed of 67,000 mph. We wouldn't want it to move faster or slower since it would throw everything off balance. We are part of a vast Universe that is carefully orchestrated with the most Divine Perfection. Once we are tuned into this perfection that is already here now, our lives emulate a divine synchronicity everywhere we are.

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

The tomato falls naturally from the vine when it is ripe, and just like you, it naturally knows when to hold on and when to let go. When you learn to live each moment relaxed in your body, you naturally live in divine harmony with the Universe. Your entire energy field opens up and you become receptive to whatever the Universe brings your way. Through deep relaxation there is a sense of acceptance, and a deep feeling of being in alignment with everything. Relaxation is simply practicing, "Being With What Is" whether it's your innermost thoughts about you, or your ideas about the outer world. Through relaxing, you naturally become patient and are in tune with the cosmic timing behind everything and can truly see that the world is perfect just the way it is.

“He that can have Patience, can have what he will” ~Benjamin Franklin

So where does impatience come from? It is an ego based energy that stems from not choosing to be at peace with what is. It's an old habit brought on by not loving yourself, your body, your friends, family, and your experience of this world just the way it is. You tend to push or rush through an experience when love is not present. Rushing is truly an act of violence to your soul. It's all about the ego trying to make the river flow faster because it thinks once it gets through this experience THEN the goodies will arrive and it will finally be happy, rich, fulfilled and at peace. The big joke is that the ego never arrives at peace because it's a wanting machine! As you may have already noticed, your ego wants everything that it wants right now! It is not willing to wait another day. It acts like a spoiled child yelling for Mother to fetch its favorite chocolate. It wants exactly WHAT it wants WHEN it wants it, and not a moment later. It doesn't care whether the season is right, it just NEEDS to be satisfied now or else!

"Misery does not exist in reality but only in mere imagination." ~Ramana Maharshi

By rushing to get things done, your body becomes contracted, your mind narrows and your being misses this divine moment. With all this constriction you block the flow of your Manifesting Vibration, causing things to manifest with massive delay and perhaps never come to fruition. The ego is impatient simply because it feels separate from this divine ocean of existence. This suffering is caused by years of believing in the Great Illusion, that you are not connected to the Infinite Source of love, intelligence, and power. The ego is obsessed with its own private agenda. It has its own "separate" desires, time schedule, and has completely forgotten about merging with God and experiencing bliss. Whenever your ego is in charge, you will rush through each life experie nce and actually miss the greater mission of your life, which is to celebrate your life, and ridiculously enjoy this amazing divine existence.

“Patience is the companion of wisdom.” ~ Saint Augustine

By practicing relaxing into each experience of your life, you will magically increase your Manifesting Vibration and always bring your desires more effortlessly to you. Patience is a major aspect in the process of consciously manifesting what you desire. With infinite patience, you can send any request into the Universe and it will easily manifest! It is important to let go of attachment to your future outcome and patiently allow the Universe to answer your request. The most Divine timing is waiting for you. The question is can you relax enough to wait for it?

“Hurry up...and wait.” ~John Oswald

One of the best ways to master patience is learning how to live in society in a relaxed, open, and receptive body. This means living IN the world, yet not OF the world. Being connected to the big rat race, yet not rushing to get ahead of the other rats. Whenever you are late for an event, instead of rushing and freaking out about what might happen, enjoy the excitement of the journey there. Know that the more you rush, the more impatient energy you are creating. Whenever you "have to" wait for someone, instead of being impatient choose to see that you "get to" wait. This is your opportunity of the day to practice relaxing into your magical manifesting vehicle! What if every time you had to wait, it was actually the Universe offering you this amazing gift to take a mini-vacation and enjoy yourself deepl y! Waiting allows you to deeply sink into a vast spaciousness where you can taste the beauty of your infinite soul. Waiting is really just a form of meditation. Doing nothing means your mind and heart are completely in the now, and not focused on the past or future, and receiving the divine blessings of existence. Be patient and all the goodies you desire will spring forth into existence.

Throughout my recent travels in Uganda to assist the children there, I (Margot) have experienced countless hours of waiting. The Ugandan people have a different relationship with time and are in general very patient. They were my greatest teachers in this arena. I never ceased to marvel at their ability to patiently wait even in uncomfortable situations without complaining or trying to change anything. I experienced eight hour bus rides where people stood in the aisle, some even carrying babies on their backs. It is normal in Uganda to wait for a bus to fill up with people for an hour or so before it even leaves. I invite you to imagine what that would be like to be that patient. There are sooooo many oppor tunities to practice patience, such as sitting in traffic, at stop lights, with children, your partner, or even waiting for the right moment to speak your truth. With each opportunity we invite you to notice how you feel inside as you drop deeper into choosing the experience of being patient.

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." ~ John Quincy Adams


You are more powerful than you have ever imagined. You have the ability to manifest massive transformation in this world. The time has come for each one of us to realize that we are powerful beyond measure, and that we can easily co-create the world we want to live in. We are each being urgently called to harness our divine manifesting energies, and focus them towards co-creating the kind of world we all want to live in, one that is full of beauty, love, and abundance for all mankind.

"You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly." ~Rumi

You are a powerful manifestor who can easily sculpt the world around you just like an artist sculpts a hunk of clay. That's right you have always been and will always be an amazing manifestor who has the power to instantly and effortlessly sculpt this beautiful world we live in. This may seem impossible, ridiculous, or miraculous, yet it is as natural as the warmth from the sunshine above. We have each been born with an innate ability to materialize thoughts into physical form and can improve upon this gift by learning how to harness the power of the mind. To do this, all that is needed is a constant positive focus of your energy into the image and feeling of what you want to manifest as if it is ALREADY HERE NOW! So start by asking yourself, this powerful question, "What do you want the world we live in to look and feel like?" Wri te out a full description of the kind of world you want to co-create. Then, spend a few minutes daily focusing your manifesting energies in this direction as part of your daily manifesting routine.

“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~Brian Tracy

Here are two more powerful steps you can take to manifest a world we all truly love:

1. Raise your own vibration. Stop wasting your time judging others, and finding fault with their level of emotional and spiritual evolution. It's vital that you focus all of your energies on shifting and honing the frequency at which you vibrate as you go through your day. What kind of energy are you sending out towards the people of this planet? The more you can embrace and express the beauty and love that resides at your core, the more the world around you will reflect these higher level states. Each time you allow the powerful and supremely loving energy of your Divine Self to radiate out to the world, you literally shift the vibration of this planet and there is more love, compassion, and harmony circulating through the planet's energetic field.

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels while one individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels." ~ Dr. David Hawkins

2. Take Inspired Actions that Support the World
Every action that you take in your life sends out an energetic frequency to the world around you, and impacts the kind of world we all live in. The movement of your body literally shifts the molecules inside you and around you on a physical level. This mass energy movement is directly linked to the types of things you manifest, or don't manifest into your life and world around you. Every inspired action which you don't take also sculpts the world, just like an artist hesitates to remove a piece of clay to unfold the masterpiece. When you hold back from doing something in this world, which you know brings you tremendous energy, inspiration and joy, you are negatively impacting the frequency of the world we live in. You have the choice to either use your body-mind to actively support the kind of world you want to live in or not. Every time you take actions from a n inspired expanded heart, you send out positive energy which magnetizes more of what you desire into your life, and literally shifts the make-up of this planet. Imagine how amazingly beautiful and blissful the world would be if we all were taking actions that inspired us and gave us energy instead of doing things out of a sense of duty or drudgery.

"Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live." ~Nicolas de Chamfort

If each one of us makes the commitment to focus our powerful manifesting energies and awareness on creating a new world that we love, we will quickly see the manifestation of a world where we all live together in peace, harmony, and abundance.


Hinduism is a way of life, an Indian tradition that encompasses several religious beliefs, cultural practices and ideologies. The exact date of Hinduism's origin is not known, though estimates vary from 3200 BC to 2500 BC. It is the world's oldest major religion. It is also the third largest religion with a following of approximately a 1.2 billion people. The Indian subcontinent is home to 98% of this populace. The Himalayan kingdom of Nepal is the only nation which has Hinduism for its state religion. The term Hindu itself derives from the name of the Sindhu river.

Hinduism comes under a branch of religions known as the Dharmic religions. The Dharmic religions are less prone to dogma and offer generic universal truths. Such universal truths serve as general guidelines for their follower's philosophies and actions. They remain open to interpretation, adaptation and enrichment at any date and in any age. This core makes Hinduism flexible in accommodating even contradictory opinions seamlessly within its fabric. Hinduism provides several paths to the common goal of divine bliss. The choice of a particular path is left to the ability, discretion and temperament of the follower.

Experience of the divine supreme knowledge, known as moksha, is the core concept of Hinduism. Hinduism teaches its followers the ability to differentiate between the pure actions of virtue and the wrongful actions of evil. The concept of karma lays forth free-willed human actions and how such actions can lead both to moksha and to the cycles of birth and death. The soul is ever thirsty for this divine knowledge and it accumulates knowledge through all human experiences. Virtuous actions take the soul closer to the divine supreme, Brahman. Realization and experience of the divine bliss makes all the soul's desires redundant, including the desire for another worldly-experience-giving cycle of birth. Evil hinders recognition of the Brahman and misleads the Atman (soul) to seek knowledge through experiences in various forms of worldly life. All human actions leave their imprint on the soul. They affect and even decide the form and circumstances of life sought by the soul in its next cycle of birth.

Origins of Hinduism

Hinduism is eternal with no beginning and no end. Current thinking suggests that Hinduism was formed somewhere between 3200-2500 BCE. The date of approximately 3102 BCE comes from the Mahabharata epic, where the exact positions of the stars were recorded at Sri Krishna's birth. The later dates come from linguistic and literary dating of the Rig Veda, the oldest of the Hindu spiritual texts.

The origin of Hinduism cannot be ascribed to a single founder, a single time and a single place of foundation. The Vedas (regarded as the earliest piece of written Hindu work) are the spiritual laws binding upon all of creation and even upon God. Each Veda was written by multiple enlightened beings (Hindus) over a period of time. The term "Hinduism" is derived from of the word Sindhu, which literally means "dweller in the Sindhu (Indus) Valley". Hinduism is more of a federation of loosely banded conventional religions and cultures. It is non-organizational and does not seek or encourage collectivism.

According to Hindus, certain spiritual principles hold eternally true, transcending man-made constructs, representing a pure science of consciousness. This consciousness is not merely that of the body or mind and intellect, but of a supramental soul-state that exists within and beyond our existence, the unsullied Self of all. Religion to the Hindu is the native search for the divine within the Self, the search to find the One truth. Truth sought with faith shall yield itself in blissful luminescence no matter the race or creed professed. Indeed, all existence, from vegetation and beasts to mankind, are subjects and objects of the eternal Dharma. This inherent faith, therefore, is also known as Arya/Noble Dharma, Veda/Knowledge Dharma, Yoga/Union Dharma, Hindu Dharma or, simply, the Dharma.

What can be said to be common to all Hindus is belief in Dharma, Karma, and Moksha (liberation) of every soul through a variety of moral, action-based, and meditative yogas. Still more fundamental principles include ahimsa (non-violence), the guru/chela dynamic, the Divine Word of OM and the power of mantras, love of Truth in many manifestations, and an understanding that the essential spark of the Divine (Atman/Brahman) is in every human and living being, thus allowing for many spiritual paths leading to the One Unitary Truth.

Bindis are worn by Hindu women on their forehead to symbolize the opening of their spiritual third eye. An example of the pervasiveness of this paramount truth-seeking spirituality in daily life is the laltika which is a religious symbol denoting marriage. It is sometimes also said to symbolize the need to cultivate supramental consciousness, which is achieved by opening the mystic "third eye." Men, too, will bear on their foreheads the equivalent tika (tilaka) mark, usually on religious occasions, its shape often representing particular devotion to a certain main deity: a 'U' shape stands for Vishnu, a group of three horizontal lines for Shiva.

Yoga Dharma
Hinduism is practiced through a variety of Yogas (spiritual practices), primarily Bhakti (loving devotion), Karma Yoga (selfless service), Raja Yoga (meditational Yoga) and Jnana Yoga (Yoga of discrimination, pronounced Nyāna). These are described in the two principal texts of Hindu Yoga: The Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras. The Upanishads are also important as a philosophical foundation for this rational spiritualism.

The four goals of life
A major aspect of Dharma that is common to all Hindus is that of purushartha, the "four goals of life". They are Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksha. It is said that all humans seek kama (pleasure, physical or emotional) and artha (power, fame and wealth), but soon, with maturity, learn to govern these legitimate desires within a higher, pragmatic framework of dharma, or moral harmony in all. Of course, the only goal that is truly infinite, whose attainment results in absolute happiness, is moksha, or liberation, (a.k.a. Mukti, Samadhi, Nirvana, etc.) from Samsara (a.k.a. Reincarnation), the cycle of life, death, and existential duality.

The four stages of life
The human life is seen as four phases called "Ashramas". They are Brahmacharya, Grihasthya, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. The first quarter of one's life, Brahmacharya (literally "grazing in Brahma") is spent in celibate, sober and pure contemplation of life's secrets under a Guru, building up body and mind for the responsibilities of life. Brahmacharya is the phase where a human obtains knowledge of God and the world, while learning to keep strict control of his mind, senses and body. Grihastya is the householder's stage, in which one marries and satisfies karma and artha within a married life and professional career. Vanaprastha is gradual detachment from the material world, ostensibly giving over duties to one's sons and daughters, spending more time in contemplation of the truth, and making holy pilgrimages. Finally, in sanyasa, the individual goes off into seclusion, to find God through Yogic meditation and peacefully shed the body for the next life.

Views on God

Within Hinduism a variety of lesser deities are predominantly, are seen as aspects of the one impersonal divine ground, Brahman. Brahman is seen as the universal spirit. Brahman is the ultimate, both transcendent and immanent the absolute infinite existence, the sum total of all that ever is, was, or ever shall be. Brahman is not a God in the monotheistic sense, as it is not imbued with any limiting characteristics, not even those of being and non-being, and this is reflected in the fact that in Sanskrit, the word Brahman is of neuter (as opposed to masculine or feminine) gender. Vedanta is a branch of Hindu philosophy which gives this matter a greater focus. Yoga is the primary focus in many ways of a Hindu's religious activities, being somewhere between meditation, prayer and healthful exercise.

Some of Hinduism's adherents are Smarta monists, seeing in multiple manifestations of the one God or source of being. It is seen as one unity, with the personal gods being different aspects of only one Supreme Being, like a single beam of light separated into colors by a prism, and are valid to worship. The great Hindu saint, Ramakrishna, a monist, was a prominent advocate of this traditional Hindu view. He achieved the spiritual high of other religions besides Hinduism and came to the same conclusion proclaimed by the Vedas, "Truth is one, the wise call it by different names."

Contemporary Hinduism is divided into four major divisions, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism. Hindus believe in one God but differ in their conceptions. The two primary form of differences are between Vaishnavism which conceives God as Vishnu and Shaivism, which conceives God as Shiva.

Hinduism grew out of the religion described in the Vedas. The earliest of these, the Rigveda centers on worship of the gods Indra and Agni, and on the Soma ritual. The Ashvamedha was the most important sacrifice described in the Yajurveda, possibly performed for the last time by Samudragupta in the 4th century. The age and origins of the Vedas themselves are disputed, but it is clear that they were transmitted orally for several millennia. They show strong similarities to the language and religion of the Avesta, which are sometimes traced back to the influence of the 3rd millennium BC Saraswati Valley Civilization.

Link your conscious mind to the subconscious mind

Your conscious and subconscious mind
The conscious mind has the ability to think. It can accept or reject. But the subconscious only accepts. It makes no distinction regarding inout. If we feed our mind with thoughts of fear, doubt and hate, the auto-suggestions will activate and translate those thing into reality. the subconscious is like a databank. The sunconscious is like the automobile is lke a databanl. the subconscious is like the automobile while the conscious is like the driver. Of the two, the sunconscious is more powerful.The power is in the automobile but the control is with the driver.

Secrets of Self Hypnosis- Unconscious mind

Self-hypnosis is fast becoming one of the most popular method which can prove beneficial in successfully in solving our life’s problems. Self-hypnosis is about taking the courage to admit your own problem and taking action to solve it and bring changes to your life. It is suitable for anyone who wants to change their habits, their personality to make their life better through the power of the unconscious mind.

What is self-hypnosis? First thing first, self-hypnosis is not really about mind control. Well, self-hypnosis is the process of getting in touch with your subconscious mind. Getting in touch with your subconscious mind involves awakening and strengthening the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind power is a very powerful tool. Hence, self-hypnosis is about linking our conscious mind to the subconscious mind. Hence, in order to utilize the full potential of our mind, it is crucial that we take time off from our busy schedule to talk and practice self-hypnosis.

In case you still having doubts what is self-hypnosis, let me give you a simple analogy. Imagine you are driving a car for the first time. Since this your first try in driving a car, you will most probably feel nervous and be at your utmost alertness level. You will tend to drive slowly and carefully. However, once you master the art of driving and driving becomes your everyday routine, most of us did not even pay the slightest attention to the strategies required to drive a car. All the required steps to driving a car are all heavily implanted into our minds until we do not need to put in any conscious effort. It has by default become a part of the subconscious mind.
Hence, self-hypnosis is also like driving, needs lots of practice until we become masters of self-hypnosis. Again self-hypnosis is not really about mind control.

Now, you may ask what self-hypnosis can do for us? self-hypnosis is one of the methods to let our subconscious mind to communicate with our conscious mind. This can only be done when we are in a relax and comfortable state. When we do self-hypnosis, we reprogram me our mind such that our little computer functions automatically on the responses it has stored in early practice sessions.
Certainly, self- hypnosis is not about mind controlling.

With self-hypnosis, we can reprogram me ourself to get rid of unwanted habits like smoking, stage fright and nervousness. Furthermore, self-hypnosis can help you become a self-confident and high self-esteem man which can greatly make your life better.

So, how exactly do we do self-hypnosis?

There are 2 important you need to acquired to have a successful self-hypnosis.
1) A effective method which can make you in a trance
2) Something you really really want to change (you personality, your habits)

Let us now look at the things you want to change for the better. It could be anything ranging from your social life, your habits, your concentration, anything. Once you decided what you want to change, settle down with a pen and paper to do some writing. Do write about mind controlling other people, it won’t work.

The work you need to do is to write down a statement that encapsulates what you want as if you have it already. You’ll know you have the right statement when you get a pleasurable emotional reaction when you read it. The emotional reaction is important.

After that, you need to make a effort to create a strong mental picture of already achieving what you really want. The picture NEEDS AND MUST have a strong positive feeling to it. A strong positive feeling means you are feeling joyful, happy, ecstatic, excited.

Next, you need to know that your subconscious mind has 3 very powerful attributes. They are namely
Your subconscious mind believes in whatever you tell it whether it is right or wrong.
Your subconscious mind cannot comprehended negatives.
Your subconscious mind will make anything you tell it isn’t true to become true.

It is also crucial that you phrase your needs in a positive way. DO NOT PHRASE IT IN THIS WAY:
I am no longer unhealthy
I am not afraid of cockroaches anymore
I am no longer a chicken

Instead phrase it like
I am enjoying paying all my bills on time with money left over to go out for a meal once a week and a wonderful holiday twice a year.
Accompany this with images of you looking forward to the bills and putting them in the mail, or having fun on your holiday.

I am relaxed and comfortable in all circumstances and situations.
Accompany this with images of you having fun playing Frisbee in the boardroom with your managing director.

I am so successful that I’m now a success guru.
Accompany this with images of you sitting cross-legged on your yacht with a group of admirers eager for your every word.

What works best are the images and words that emerge from within you.

Now back to the beginning – a method of inducing the trance where you can start re-programming your subconscious mind.

Make yourself comfortable, sit on a chair preferably. Concentrate your attention on your feet and ankles and release any anxiety or tension in them. Move to your lower legs and so on up your body, release any bit of tension. Release any tension also around your mouth and eyes.

Count from 10 to 1. Each time you count, tell yourself that you are becoming more and more relaxed until you are receptive to any positive messages. Repeat the messages that you have written and chosen earlier on. Repeat it until the phrase bring into your mind the fantasy you created. Make it as realistic as you can. Make full use of your five senses. When you have fully experienced this allow the image to fade. Allow the mantra to fade, and start to count yourself back up to waking awareness. Remind yourself that when you reach ten you will feel fully alert, refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of the day/evening.

And as I say, self hypnosis is not about mind control but an effective method to communicate with your unconscious mind to create positive new changes.

Self Hypnosis -The 9 Things You Should Really Know

1. Self-hypnosis is a skill that everyone should and can learn. You do not need to hire or go to a certified hypnotherapist to do self-hypnosis. self-hypnosis is a skill where you are in a trance and that everyone can master. Self-hypnosis is not about mind controlling others.

2. The way we think will determine the way we act. We determine our own future through the way we think. The more positive we are, the more we act like a champion or a winner. The more negative we are, the more we act like a loser, a wimp. You can change all this through self-hypnosis, putting yourself in a trance, reprogram your subconscious mind power and live life again.

3. During the process of self-hypnosis, you can remember what happening around you and hear everything around you. The depth of your trance will vary between people. You many be in a very light trance like daydreaming or a deep one like you are sleeping. self-hypnosis is nothing much but a nice feeling of letting go. So you do not have to worry about being mind control or unable to remember what you have say to yourself. It all make perfect sense and yes self-hypnosis is not about mind controlling others.

4. Everyone of you has the right and power to use self-hypnosis to have a healthier mind and body. A typical human being only utiises about one tenth of his brain power. self-hypnosis may be one of the ways to fully unlock the full potential of our mind and bring unlimtited benefits to the individual.

By the way, I personally believed that everyone can performed self-hypnosis and be hypontized. A simple example of self-hypnosis is that we daydream(a form of light trance), lose concentration and in a trance. Self-hypnosis is not about mind controlling others.

5. Nobody even the most skilled and talented hypnotherapist can mind control you or manipulate you in anyway. The hypnotherapist is only there to guide in if you need help in self-hypnosis and put you in a trance. You are the one who is fully in control of your mind and situation. You do have to remember that stage shows are done with VOLUNTEERS when you see stage hypnotherapist doing their stuff.Self-hypnosis is not about mind controlling others.

6. Power of self-hypnosis is unimaginable. self-hypnosis has a huge potential. Many successful people use self-hypnosis to motivate themselves and see themselves being successful. Before any competition, successful athletes used self-hypnosis to bring themselves into the right state. The state of motivation, passion, focus and determination.

7. You can change your internal belief systems through self-hypnosis. Beliefs that have been deeply implanted into you like " You are worthless, you don’t deserve to be loved" can be change. With self-hypnosis, you finally have the power to rid of these unwanted beliefs.

8. With self-hypnosis, you can have a much better and natural anesthesia of your body after a surgery. The comfortable level of anesthesia learned and achieved self-hypnosis happen too often to be considered pure luck.

9. Self-hypnosis can certainly change your life and make anyone a better person. Practice it and start living again.

In conculsion, self-hypnosis is an excellent tool to change your life around. You can become a new person if you believe in self-hypnosis and practice it everyday. Self-hypnosis is not about mind controlling others. Start TODAY!

"Confusion"Why live in confusion

People confuse goals with dreams and wishes.Dreams and wishes are nothing more than desires. Desires are weak. Desires become strong when they are supported by:

  • Direction
  • dedication
  • determination
  • Discipline
  • Deadlines
    These are what differentiate a desire from a goal. Goals are dreams with a deadline and an action plan. Goals can be worthy or unworthy. It is passion, not wishing that turns dreams into reality:
    1.Have a definite, clear written goal.
    2.Have a plan to accomplish and write it down.
    3.Read the first two twice a day.

    Great minds have purposes, ohers have wishes.
    -Wahsington Irving
    Your mind have the power to fulfill your desires.

    How to make use of your mind

    Mind Power- Inner Psychology to Success

    The term mind power and the subconscious mind power are described in many different ways. In the psychosomatic sense mind power is labeled as ability to have emotions, imagination, memory, and will; and subconscious mind power is labeled as part of the normal individual’s personality in which mental processes function without consciousness under normal waking conditions.


    1. How Mind Power and Subconscious Mind Power work
    2. How to use Subconscious Mind for success

    Mind power is our conscious mind, the way we think. The mind is similar to a constantly flowing spring however a natural spring cannot send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening, nor yield both salt water and fresh. So it is with the mind and its thoughts; it cannot equally think negative and positive thoughts at the same time. One will rule the other.

    mind power Since the mind reflects habitual thoughts, it is therefore our responsibility to influence our mind and brain with positive emotions, thoughts and energy as the dominating factors in our mind. Mind power is beyond positive thinking or brain power, it is thinking than believing what you think that will manifest your reality. Since this mind power is power of thought and beliefs, and these thoughts and beliefs will create the outcome of your now, you will want to stay aware to the reflections you are thinking.

    Now mind power is a dual system that includes your power of thought(brain) and your subconscious mind. We all have subconscious mind power; it can be as small as smiling at your boss in the hopes of improving the odds of acquiring a raise.

    It can be the way you unconsciously handle a situation whether appropriately or not. Power of the subconscious mind comes from the thoughts and beliefs of your the power of the your mind. However you think and believe is what your subconscious mind power will produce. This is done continuously, one minute at a time. Every thought nourished regularly by your mind power will activate your subconscious mind to generate those thoughts and energy whether good or bad into your life. This is how you’re present and future is created.

    Your mind power and your subconscious mind work together and they fashion your reality. Let’s use a parallel to help you visualize how this works. Your subconscious mind power is similar to fertile soil that consents to any seed planted inside it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are the seeds which are being continually sown and they will eventually produce a crop. So if you plant weeds you will get weeds, if you plant fruit, you will get fruit. In other words, you reap what you sow. Now the conscious mind is the gardener, and it is the mind power to choose what reaches our inner garden- the subconscious.

    Unfortunately, most of us do not have green thumbs because of lack of knowledge of this law, the psychology behind this success and because of this ignorance we have allowed all kinds of seeds, both good and bad, to enter. So our subconscious mind power will manifest failure, ill health and all kinds of misfortunes just as effortlessly as it will manifest success and abundance. However, it cannot manifest it both at the same time, which is why the need to constantly actuate the positive until the fertile soil of your subconscious mind power reaps only abundance. Success is only a choice away.

    Power of the Subconscious Mind - Your Inner Engine

    Subconscious mind power is being aware of what information enters your mind. This is critical as the subconscious mind runs on auto pilot and whatever information enters it is what it will process.


    1.Positive affirmation
    2.Subconscious mind power
    3.Daily affirmation

    Positive Affirmation is a declaration that what one is declaring will happen or will be. Positive affirmation is a way to plant positive seeds of hope, courage and victory into the subconscious mind. It is believed that faith is a form of affirmation as one believes the desires have already happened though it is not manifested yet. In other words faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the confidence of things not seen as though they were or are. Affirmations in the realm of ancient Christian faith convinced these Christians that nothing was impossible and they believed the impossible into reality. These Christians conquered kingdoms, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, and escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness they were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight and even received back their loved dead by resurrection.

    Subconscious mind power is gaining victory over negative thoughts and with this victory overcoming our setbacks and failures. The subconscious mind is powerful and can alter your decisions in a negative way if allowed to do so. Even though something may be true your subconscious does not deal with if it’s true, it deals with what it believes is true.

    Daily affirmations or declarations are a form of feeding the subconscious mind with proper food for thought that will manifest positive situations in one’s life. Proclaiming one’s faith without ceasing is one technique for daily affirmation. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith
