Life is enjoying the overflowing energy
only fools think of the past--fools who do not have the intelligence to live in the present. And only fools imagine about the future, because they don't have the courage to live in the present. Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all . This moment has to become your prayer, your love , your life, your death, your everything.
Live courageously don;t be cowards. Don;t think of consequences; only cowards think of consequences. Don' t be too result-oriented; people who are result-oriented miss life. Don't think of goals, because goals are always in the future and far away, and life is here-now, close by.
Don't be too purposive. Let me repeat it: don't be too purposive. don't always bring in the idea, "what is the purpose of it?" because that is a strategy created by your enemies, by the enemies of humanity, to poison your very source of life. Ask the question, "What is the purpose of it?"and everything becomes meaningless.
It is early morning, the sun is rising and the East is red with the sun, and the birds are singing and the trees are waking up, and it is all joy. It is a rejoicing, a new day has happened again. And you are standing there asking the question, "What is the purpose of it?" you miss, you miss it totally. You are simply disconnected.
A rose is dancing in the wind, so delicate and yet so strong, so soft yet fighting with the strong wind, so momentary yet so confident. Look at the rose flower. Have you ever seen any rose flower nervous.? So confident, so utterly confident, as if it is going to be here forever. Just a moment's existence, and such trust in eternity. Dancing in the wind, whispering with the wind, sending out its fragrance and your are standing there asking the question, "What is the purpose of it?".
there is no purpose in life. Life is its own purpose; it is not a means to some end,it is and end unto itself. The bird on the wing, the rose in the wind, the sun rising in the morning, the stars in the night, a man falling in love with a woman, a child playing on the street.. there is no purpose. Life is simply enjoying itself, delighting in itself. Energy is overflowing, dancing, for no purpose at all. It is not a performance, it is not a business. Life is a love affair, it is poetry, it is music.
Be Here Now
Life is not a dress rehearsal. I don't care what philosophy you believe in-- we have got only one shot at this game called life. The stakes are too high to waste your life. The stakes are the future generations.
What time is ti and where are we? the answer is now and we are here. Let's make the best of now and utilize the present to fullest.The message is not that swe don't need to plan for the future. If we utilize our present to its fullest, we are sowing the seeds for a better future.
If you want to build a positive attitude, learn the phrase, " do it now" and stop the habit of procrastination.
The saddest words in life are:
Never leave till tomorrow, which you can do today.
-Benjamin Franklin
We all live in the present moment but very few of us utilize thepower of this current moment.The only thing that truly exists is what is happening rightnow.The past does not exist; it's over with and should be nothing but afading memory. The future does not exist; it simply hasn't happened yet.Both the past and the future are only a part of your thoughts andmemories; they only exist in your mind and not in reality.The only thing that really exists right now is the very presentmoment that you live in and from this present moment you can drawtremendous power; the kind of power that can change your life andallow you to achieve your goals.You may not like the present moment but that's only becauseyou're thinking about what you feel the present should be. You'recomparing the present moment to something else and not appreciatingwhat is happening right now. I know some of you may say: "student, right now I don't have a job and the bank is about toforeclose. Plus my wife/husband just left me and I'm stuck with 3kids. My present is not exactly pleasant."If you're present or current situation is not pleasant then you'recomparing it to something else. You're probably thinking about whatthe now should be instead of dealing with what is going on.If you don't have a job then it's time to look for one. Don't focus on the fact that you don't have a job, and don't focus on how difficult it may seem to get a job. Instead, simply concentrate on going out andgetting a job. You live in the present moment by doing what has to be done now and not worrying about the way things should be.At the end of the day see where you are and focus on what needs tobe done next.If your children need attention right now then give them attention. If you need to go out and look for work right now then do it. Don't compare your present situation to anything. Accept what it isand make the most of it with the intention of making the presentbetter with each step that you take.I'm not saying accept don't do anything to improve your current situation.Deal with your present situation and do everything youcan to improve your life.When you begin working on the present moment with the intent ofimproving your life you begin to utilize the power of now you leavethe past in the past, you don't concentrate on the future andinstead you start living in the present moment doing everythingthat you can to improve your life now.When you do this you send a powerful message to your subconsciousmind. You tell your subconscious that you are here now and ready to getto work to improve your life.Your Subconscious mind then begins working for you because yoursubconscious only understands the present moment your subconsciousdoes not understand the future or the past your subconscious onlylives in the now; it only exists in the present moment.Understanding this process is one thing - practicing it is quite another thing.To start working with the power of now you have to get your mind simply focus on what is happening and what needs to be done right now. No more comparing or hoping for things to get better. Just deal with what is and what has to be done. When you do this you start moving forward and you allow yoursubconscious mind to help you achieve your goals because you'rehere now - working with your subconscious to create the situationsthat you want. Start living in the present moment and get yoursubconscious mind working for you
The Present is All That ExistsYou have memories, you will have feelings when you think about thepast, but let's face it the past no longer exists. You can't step back in time and go into the past. The past is done with. It doesn't exist.You can't step into the future and see what happens. Despite whatso called psychics and astrologers say there is no way of seeingthe future or living in the future. It hasn't happened. One day that future will arrive and if you'renot paying attention, if you're too focused on the past or stillworrying about the future you'll miss it completely.The only thing that is taking place right now is the present moment. As you read this newsletter that's all that you're doing. When you're done... the moment that you are currently experiencingwill never happen again! The now will never happen again! Your present moment will never happen again!Even when you think about the past you think about it in thepresent moment. You don't physically go back in time and remember the past. You only remember the past in this present moment.When you think about the future you do it in the present moment notin the future.When you think about the past and the future you are wasting thevaluable time and power that you have in the present moment.The only reason people are unhappy is because they fail to live inthe present moment, they fail to embrace the now. Instead, they often think about what their present moment should be and that always leads to unhappiness.It is impossible to have a problem and live in the present momentat the same time. When you live in the present moment your attention is completelyfocused on what is happening at that very moment. There are no thoughts of the future or the past. If you are at work - focus on work. If you are at home focus on thehome. If you're with friends focus on your friends.When you do this your subconscious mind is released and free tostart working on improving your life.Focus on the present moment. Allow your subconscious mind to work for you everyday by workingwith the power of the present moment.
How You Can Live In The Now
If you're ready to start living in the now and begin creating thelife that you want then take a look at your present situation andask yourself what's wrong with the very moment you are in.Don't think about what happened yesterday or sometime in the past. Don't focus on what might or might not happen tomorrow. Take a look at the very moment you are in see if there is anything wrong.If you're at home is there something wrong?Don't say you are out of work that's not the present moment becauseyou are looking at what is not happening.I want you to focus your mind on what is happening then see what iswrong with that picture.You should find nothing wrong with the present moment it is what itis and once you accept it you can start living again.Let's face it you can't turn your mind off but you can get it towork differently and that's what you should start doing.If you don't take control of your mind your mind willcontrol you and that's not going to help you improve your life.Ask yourself these next questions: Do you find yourself waiting for something to happen? Are you waiting to get some more time? Make more money?Meet the right person? Are you waiting for the right opportunity?Waiting is another game the mind plays because it doesn't want tolive in the present moment.If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you're notliving in the present moment you are focusing on anything but thepresent moment. I know you can't focus on the present moment or live in the now 24hours a day. But start by doing this for a few minutes a day and then continueexpanding the exercise everyday. Then track your progress. See how you feel when you only focus onwhat is happening right now. As you continually do this you'll seeyourself starting to enjoy the process.Here's a suggestion. The next time you are driving or walking payattention only to what is happening around you. Listen to thesounds, observe the people. Don't think about what you have to door what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow or whatmight happen in five minutes. Focus your attention only on what is happening right now. Doingthis will get your mind to start living in the present moment andbefore you know it you'll be able to focus your mind and utilizethe power of now.Start utilizing the power of now - you'll be more focused andyou'll enjoy the present moment. Best of all you'll start movingtoward achieving your goals and living the life - you only get one life and one chance.Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limitingyourself. Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
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