energy manager

I have a sure fire way for you to achieve success.

All you have to do is follow what I call Nature's Success Secrets.

Nature works by following a specific process and it has worked
consistently for millions of years.

Despite all the scientific breakthroughs it still takes 9-months
for a woman to deliver a child, I should know, my wife just
delivered our first twins.

It still takes a vegetable a few months to grow from a small see.

This is how nature works - its secret is a combination of powerful
intention, consistency, nurturing and patience.

In today's newsletter I'll show you how you can apply nature's
success secrets in your own life and how doing just that will jump
start your subconscious to help you create what you want sooner.

Step One - Intention:

You have to know what you want.

When we plant a seed, nature knows that the seed wants to grow. But
that seed still needs a little help.

Having a goal or an objective, is the first step - know what you
want. Back it up with an intention to make what you want a reality.

That means no more wishful thinking.
You need to back up your intention with a strong desire to make
what you want a reality.

When you do this you give your subconscious mind a clear and
specific message - that you want to succeed and nothing less is

This is the first step to in nature's success secret.

Everything in nature has an intention and purpose.

To succeed in life you need to have an intention and purpose.

Once you have that in place your subconscious mind begins to
attract the situations, events and opportunities that will help you
fulfill your intentions and purpose.

Step 2 - Consistency

Throughout nature we see regular consistency. A seed is planted,
nurtured and it grows.

This process always succeeds. If it fails it's because a step in
nature's success secret was missing.

Consistency requires that you stick with your plan.
Yes you can make adjustments.
But regularly changing your mind is like planting a seed, digging
it up, planting a new seed, only to replace it with another seed a
few days later.

If you regularly do this you'll never grow anything.

Consistency requires that you stay focused on what you want, you
keep your intention in mind and you follow the steps to succeed.

These steps include regularly directing your mind and subconscious
mind to help you create what you want.
Your subconscious mind is your garden - your intentions are your

Keep your garden free of weeds so your seeds can bloom into success
and allow you to live the life you want. Visit:

Step 3 - Nurture your way to success.

Anything planted in nature needs to be nurtured.

You plant that seed, you need to water it, make sure you have rich,
fertile soil, and allow it to grow.

When you have a goal or objective in mind you need to nurture that
goal by taking positive actions, placing positive thoughts in your
mind and subconscious mind, focusing on positive situations and
being open to new opportunities.

There are a number of things that make soil fertile. Nature doesn't
depend on just one ingredient.

Your success will depend on a number of ingredients that are in
your mind and subconscious mind.

If you're filled with negative thinking your doomed to failure.
It's like planting a seed in a garden of weeds, there's little
chance of success.

Feed your mind and subconscious mind positive messages.
Focus on positive outcomes.
Stick to your goal and objective but be open to all possibilities.
Allow your subconscious mind to guide you to the outcome you want.
Get started today - visit:

Step 4 - Patience

Everything in nature requires patience to succeed.

If you plant a seed one day and 2 weeks later turn over the garden
and start over - your lack of patience has destroyed any hope of

If you start working on a goal and give up you are guaranteed

When you're impatient about achieving your goals you actually push
yourself further away from success.

Most of us want things yesterday.

When we decide we want to achieve something we want it right away,
and when we decide we want to change or improve ourselves we want
that change to happen quickly so we can begin enjoying our lives,
and enjoying success.

But we're part of nature and nature doesn't create change in an

Therefore, changes within us can't happen instantly. The process
can begin instantly - but the change itself cannot.

We're part of nature and we must work with nature and its timetable.

When it comes to achieving your goals, your subconscious mind, just
like nature, has to work through a process and allow you to
progressively move closer to achieving your goals.

Ralph Waldo Emerson perhaps said it best in one simple line: "Adopt
the pace of nature, her secret is patience." That patience can lead
to the perfect life - if you understand how to work with the Power
of Patience and nature together.

Ask any successful businessman or entrepreneur and they'll tell you
that they never rush into a decision. Sure they'll follow their gut
instinct but they'll take plenty of time researching, studying and
thinking, waiting until the right moment to make a decision.

Nature works through a process and it has a great deal of patience.

For example: you plant a seed, water it, leave it for some time,
then at the right time - when all the right elements are in place -
that seed turns into a flower, a vegetable or whatever seed you

This only happens when all the other steps I just went over are in
place - including patience.

There was work to be done before those elements came into place.

The seed had to be planted, it had to be nurtured, it had to be
left alone to begin to grow and spring roots under the soil, then
at the right time it began to rise above the surface into exactly
what it was meant to be.

Without the prior work of planting, and watering the seeds would
never spring above the ground. I know some of you have your own
vegetable or flower gardens and you may already be reaping the
rewards of your hard work.

If you want to achieve your goals you have to practice the same
kind of patience.

Think about what you want to achieve, think about the changes you
want, begin the process of creating change by knowing what you want
and why.

Plant your seeds of success in the garden of your mind.
Be patient as you watch for signs of progress.
Make sure your mind and subconscious mind are constantly working
for you to help you achieve your goals.

If you planted a seed and stood over it waiting for it to sprout
through the ground - you'd go crazy.
If you planted a seed and ignored it - it would die.
If you planted a seed and placed a rock on top of it - it would
never flourish.
But if you planted a seed and did the work to help it grow, cared
for it - it would flourish and thrive.

Apply the same process to achieving your goals and living the life
you want.

Work with Nature's success secret and you'll achieve your goals
sooner than you think.