Mind power through yoga

Dear friends,
We'll take forward the theory of 'inner mind' as per the Indian vedic knowledge, from the last discussion. When we are asleep, who takes care of our respiration, heartbeat, temperature regulation etc.? as per the modern medicine, it's the 'autonomic nervous system'.

Vedas say that it's the inner mind. The external mind or the mind as we know is nothing but a bundle of thoughts and desires. Once the thoughts are calmed down and desires do melt away after the sadhana, the external mind gives way to the awakening of inner mind. The inner mind when awakened, makes the man a super-human. Almost every well organized religion has talked about the self realization or liberation attained by many saints, prophets, sages.

It's the inner mind, which contains all the knowledge, wisdom of the world, and one glimpse of it can transform the human life. A theory in medicine says that our DNA contains all the history of mankind and the steps of evolution. It also agrees that we have enormous unexplored knowledge within us, which needs to be decoded. Lets take an example of a home PC. It's working well but usually is underused by almost all of us. Some people make use of it to the tune of 90-95% of its capacity, but average usage is only 10% of it. It's just like our external mind.

When the PC is connected to the Internet, a whole world of knowledge opens before us. We can see any place, know almost any damn thing, do shopping, and what not just using it. This is like the inner mind.

When we experience the inner mind, we are calm, balanced, stable, very happy and above all the worries and humanly sorrows. The sense of 'being' or 'me' alone remains in the initial stages, and that also gets sublimated in the advanced stages of the experience. The vedas confirm the above states of higher experiences. Thousands of practitioners have also witnessed the same state of realization.

We at 'mindpower' are attempting to work on the same subject of awakening the inner mind, understand that everyone possesses a great power within himself, and to make the world a better place to live.

How does one do this? It needs some good training, which we will be talking about shortly. Till then, it's worth trying for everybody: the nature gives us the experience of the inner mind daily for a few minutes!! It's the time we just wake up!! There are no disturbing thoughts, no desires, only a fresh mind and a feeling of oneself! Try to experience the same tomorrow, and your day will be done! These few minutes are the happiest moments of our life.

Yoga for CM

Yoga is the union of the individual soul with the Infinite Consciousness or Paramatman. The goal of all spiritual practices is the attainment of the same Infinite or Super Consciousness, by whichever name one may describe it. In this wider sense all spiritual masters are Yogis. There is, however, a particular variety of spiritual practices (Sadhana) which are called Yoga in a narrower sense, and it is usually in this sense that the word Yoga is used. This Sadhana consists mainly in controlling the Prana-vitalizing breath with Pranayama and other processes. The Yogi starts with the postulate that the microcosm contains everything that is in the macrocosm.

There is a Bengali proverb which states that what is absent in our body is also non-existent in the universe. The Yogi therefore considers his own body as the temple for worshipping the Supreme Self (Paramatma).

Kriya Yoga Simplified for the Common Man

simplified the infinite multiplicity of the processes of Raja yoga into a few stages and made it available to the common man, especially the householder who is simply lost in the wilderness of worldly duties. It is next to impossible for a householder to follow the strict principles of restraint enunciated in the ‘Ashtanga (eight step) Yoga’ of Patanjali. The processes in the Kriya yoga make us gradually fit to unfold the Divine within ourselves, with much less effort than is usually necessary. Individual Yogis have always been there in India, but due to a great general deterioration in the mass consciousness characteristic of the current world cycle of Kali Yuga, Yogic processes remained circumscribed in the hands of Yogis alone. It was much too difficult for the common man to follow. Only those who would be ready to dedicate their lives to the cause of the Divine, would be initiated into the teachings. Naturally, their number was very small. The majority of the people had no opportunity to follow the principles of Yoga even if they might have eagerness for these.

Kriya yoga teaches man that God is to be discovered in his own body first, concentrating his gaze on the point between his eye-brows. Once man realizes God within his own body, he automatically realizes Him in others too. His body is the temple where he starts worshipping the Prana which controls the entire physical machinery. Each and everybody has this Prana-vitalizing force in common and by realizing its mystery through Pranayama, etc., man realizes the Supreme Consciousness that controls the universe, for it is the same force that impels the individual and the universe. Thus, Kriya yoga will go a great way in bringing about a sense of unity amongst all men and women, and ultimately in bringing about world peace. We are on the threshold of a new era. Preparations have been going on, and we are surely ahead of a great spiritual resurgence of India and the world.

Kriya Yoga and Mantra Yoga Work Well Together

Mantra yoga can certainly lead man to success, because through a constant chanting of the Mantras the Sushumna is gradually opened up. But the opening of the Sushumna through chanting of the Mantras is an indirect process, although it is easier for the common man. The Kriya Yogi makes the Sushumna his starting point by taking recourse to different processes of controlling and channeling the Prana-lifeforce through the right path. The combination of both practices can only accelerate ones progress.

When one is not doing Kriya proper, one can keep his attention focused at the point between the eyebrows and meditate on one's mantra, practice remembrance of God's name, or attunement to Ishvara, the Soul within (editor).

Since Kriya Yoga is a series of techniques and not a Religion, Kriya Yogi's can be of Any Religion

The liberality, inherent in the Kriya yoga .As to places it on a universal footing. A man practicing the teachings of any religion may be initiated into Kriya yoga without the necessity of leaving his own religious faith. Besides, Kriyayoga may be given to any one having eagerness for Self-Realization, to whichever caste, creed or country he may belong. The Kriyayoga propounded. and the Yogasutra of the great sage Patanjali. It is a compendium of all kinds of spiritual training. But, after all, Shastras are the records of spiritual researches conducted by Great Saints. Unless one follows the teachings of the Shastras in practice, one cannot have the experience of the Divine Bliss. That is why the mystery of Dharma described in the Gita has to be realized only by direct experience. Shri Shri Lahiri Mahashaya’s Kriya yoga leads the Sadhaka to the final goal, each stage unfolding its peculiar effect and thus encouraging the seeker. As the difficult processes of Raja yoga have been much simplified , the Kriya yoga as propounded by them has been called the ‘Sahaja Kriya yoga’, that is the Kriya that comes naturally to man, without putting any artificial strain on the physical machinery. This again, is another point in favor of Kriya yoga that it is free from the dangers which sometimes come in the way of the Sadhaka in the shape of some physical distortion or disease, the outcome of mistakes in following the processes of Yoga. There is no such danger attending Kriya yoga even if one commits a mistake. Of course, Kriya yoga is "Sahaja" (meaning literally ‘that which originates at our very birth’) also in the primary sense that it is a process where we have to take recourse to the regulation of breath, the process of inhalation and exhalation which is co-equal with the very being of man.

1The human body has 3 great nerve-cords. On both sides of the spinal cord there are gangliated cords of sympathetic nerves. Ordinarily the Prana-life force moves through the passage within the gangliated cords: Ida and Pingala. But it must move through Sushumna (the very subtle passage through the spinal cord) before any success in spiritual practice (Sadhana) is to be attained. The unfolding of this passage is called the rousing of the Kundalini or the spiritual force latent in every man.

All religious and spiritual schools of thought all over the world have declared in unison that the mind has to be stilled. Only when the mind has been stilled, can there be room for the ultimate experiences that one may desire. Those who wish to have visions of divine beings (of their religious tradition), even they have to still their mind in order to achieve this vision. Those who wish to reach the stage beyond all beings – the ultimate – they too must still the mind.

However, the achievements (through the teachings) of the Bhagavad Gita are a little different. It suggests that we should reach a stage where the mind has overcome desires, where the mind should not be mindful. As long as the mind is there, there will be resolutions and dissolutions of desirable activities, and because of this, it will be impossible to overcome the cycle of birth and death.

It is because of this it is necessary to still the mind. The sum substance is that if the mind is not still nothing will happen – to that extent even our worldly activities will not be fulfilled properly . . . the human being becomes a monster.

Now the question arises: what is the mind? The agitated movement of Prana is the mind. Prana by its nature is still. However, because of several reasons it loses its stillness and starts vibrating. On the flag of this chariot called the body, rides Hanuman in the form of still current/Prana. The Prana current is still in the Sahasrara (Crown Chakra), but becomes agitated when it descends to the lower Chakras. In the five parts of the body, that Prana is given the five different names – Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, and Vyana.

If these five Pranas reside in the body in equal balance, then there is no form of agitation in the mind. Otherwise it becomes agitated by reasons that are very ordinary.

The body is in good health when Vayu (Air), Pitta (heat) and Kapha (Moisture/Water) are in proper balance. However, because of reasons that are quite ordinary, when the balance is lost, it may fall ill. e.g. exposure to cold creates an imbalance, which may become the reason for illness. Therefore, one has to be careful not to cause any imbalance or agitation.

Similarly for the five Pranas, care must be taken not to disturb the balance by dealing with the Prana.

The chief practice to do this is Pranayama. By doing Pranayama, the Prana and Apana currents are stilled; with Nabhi Kriya, Samana current is stilled, while Mahamudra stills Udana and Vyana currents.

With these tools (the kriyas), the 5 Pranas are stilled (made quiet), and when that happens one perceives the nature of the soul through Yoni Mudra. This is the ultimate success of a human life.

As a result of these practices, in the stilled Prana at the Sahasrara, the state of the mind finds it advantageous, and one experiences the state of no mind. To date, among all practices discovered and known to the world, Pranayama is the best (most effective).

There are many types of Pranayama, but among them that Pranayama that is done along the Sushumna through the Six Chakras1, is the best, because by this Pranayama the movement of the mind and Prana are done together in unison. Those who practice this know that when the Prana is exercised along with the mind in unison, the mind does not wander in other directions. Over a long period of this practice, the mind becomes still, and no agitation remains. Just like Ganga is the best among rivers, Kashi among all places of pilgrimage, Gayatri among all Mantras, Pranava (Om)2,3 among all Beejas (root sounds), so also is Pranayama the best among all practices. This has been accepted in one voice by all sages and those practicing it, because the result of this practice can be experienced and achieved in this lifetime, at this time, and within this very body.

1The chakras are the major means upon the physical plane through which the Soul works and expresses its purpose. The glands are the physical correspondents of the chakras. The condition of the chakras and the reflection of this condition in the glands determine the state of evolution and consciousness of man and the degree to which the soul can fully express itself on the physical plane. Through the practice of kriya yoga, the kriya yogi purifies the chakras and accelerates the evolution of his consciousness. He makes his body a fit vehicle for the expression of the Soul.

2In the Sutras of Patanjali in Sadhana Pada, OM is discussed in the following Sutras:

23. By intense devotion to Ishvara, knowledge of Ishvara is gained.
24. This Ishvara is the soul, untouched by limitation, free from karma, and desire.
25. In Ishvara, the Gurudeva, the germ of all knowledge expands into infinity.
26. Ishvara, the Gurudeva, being unlimited by time conditions, is the teacher of the primeval
27. The Word of Ishvara, is AUM (or OM). This is the Pranava.
28. Through the sounding of the Word and through reflection upon its meaning, the Way is
29. From this comes the realization of the Self (the soul) and the removal of all obstacles.

3 The sounding of OM has four effects on the subtle body. It: (1) burns out coarse matter, (2) builds in refined matter, (3) it carries force through all the inner chakras to the pranamaya kosha or etheric body, and causes a definite stimulation of the petals of each chakra. If the lotus is only partially unfolded, then only some of the petals receive the stimulation. This stimulation creates a vibration (especially in the chakra in which one meditates- the head or heart) which causes a reflex action in the sushumna and down to the base. This is not in itself sufficient to arouse the kundalini; that can only be done when other conditions have been met. And (4) it sets up a vortex of energy between the reciter and the Soul / Ishvara / Source of grace invoked and creates a vacuum that results in a down pour of energy.

Why is the Kriya pranayam important? Why is the end result of the pranayam practice soul realization? How is the spirit and physical body linked? It is linked through your breath. As long as the spirit and the body are together you are breathing. The moment that spirit leaves you are not breathing. So, one end of the breath is connected to your physical body and the other end is connected with your spirit. So if you will catch hold of the breath and move along with it, you are bound to reach your spirit one-day. That is why the pranayam practice is so important. Breath links body and spirit. It is the bridge between the two. Everybody breathes but no one has seen his own breath. It is invisible but you can feel it and the spirit is even more subtle than that. And you have some control over your breath. So, if you just realize the link and the connection and if you practice ardently, you're bound to realize your spirit, the Self.

First, you become aware of the breath then the prana in the breath and then the spirit within the prana. It is the breath that indicates that the soul is there and the soul pervades your entire body. It is not centered somewhere. Life is everywhere. Even in a single hair there is life.

Though you are using your physical body to practice kriya, you should always focus beyond that.

The focus should be on the soul or spirit. And that is done through the breath.

What is the kutastha? Kutastha is a Sanskrit word that means immortal Soul.

Kriya yogi’s use the term in ways that are often confusing to westerners with no knowledge of Sanskrit. It is commonly used in two ways among kriya gurus. It is used either to describe the immortal Soul or to designate a place to focus in the head, e.g., the ajna center. When writers instruct students to focus in the kutastha, the student will typically interpret this to mean focus in the ajna center. If the student does this, he has only followed half of the instruction. Since the kutastha represents the unchanging divine aspect of the Self, what is really meant when the guru tells us to focus in the kutastha is to focus on the Soul that is revealed at the point between the eyebrows. The real point of focus is not so much a place in the head as a state of consciousness. Since the light of the Soul or Kutastha is revealed at the point between the eyebrows, kriya gurus instruct us to physically focus there. The point I am making is that the ajna center is not the kutastha. It is an instrument of perception that is able to perceive the light of the kutastha (immortal, unchanging Self) as well as many other things unrelated to the Soul. However, through usage some writers have begun to substitute the word kutastha for ajna center. This narrow use of kutastha to specify ajna center focus has been a source of some confusion. The goal of kriya yoga is union with the Soul. Kriya yogis keep that goal in view right from the start by being instructed to focus on the immortal Soul in the ajna center or the kutastha.

Let us examine some definitions of Kutastha to get a better feel for what it means.

Def. 1 The Kutastha is eternal and unchangeable

Def. 2 Kutastha, in philosophy, whatever is immovable, unchangeable, perpetually and universally the same; the indestructible spirit. (kuta, the summit; stha, standing: standing on the peak.)

Def. 3 Kutastha A philosophical term meaning 'holding the highest position,' hence the primordial divinity. As a noun it is often used as a synonym for Isvara, the Divine-Spiritual Monad. Kutastha is often used derivatively for Akasa (q.v.) and for Mulaprakriti. (Compound kuta, the highest, the summit; stha, standing. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. p. 108).

Def. 4. One who pervades all, supports all, and yet Himself undergoes no transformation.

Def. 5 Kutastha refers to Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, who is the "abhimAni"(controller) of all nature; thus, she is like a changeless anvil which supports change in others, in being herself changeless, but supporting all of nature that is ever-changing.

The world's most amazing tool

The mind is a truly amazing tool. Anything that you want to have,
do, or be -- your mind can make happen.

If you don't use this tool properly it will cause more harm than good.So learn how to use this amazing inbuilt tool.
But the reality is... as powerful as the mind is, humans for the
most part greatly under use it. We've all heard the theory that we
only use about 10% of our brain's capacity.

Just 10%!

What's even crazier is that new studies suggest we don't even use
that much. It may be closer to 1 percent ...even as low as 1/10th
of 1 percent.

So "why" aren't we using more of our brains and minds?

I believe it's because we honestly don't realize how much we're
capable of.


Most people just don't know it.

If you'd like to know how to "tap into" this in-built power you
already have,

Here's a Visual Representation of what I mean:

Right now, right this very second, you live in this oversized, ten
million dollar mansion. It has 26 bedrooms, 32 bathrooms, an
indoor heated pool, a bowling alley, two kitchens, three exercise
rooms, a movie theater, six hot tubs, and even a carousel for when
kids come over.

Trust me, you have all this right now inside you.

The problem is you don't know it. And because you don't know it
...you are living in a small, cramped closet in one of the many
bedrooms that you have.

Now - if you *knew* about the rest of the house, you'd be out of
that closet in a second, wouldn't you?

Unfortunately most people don't know the rest of the house exists,
so they live frustrated in that cramped little closet....

Feeling trapped, poor and unhappy - when there is a MASSIVE FEAST
on the other side of the door.

Ok, so now you know about the mansion inside of you. What's next?

Once you realize you have this incredible potential already in you,
the next step is to use simple but powerful techniques to help your
'subconscious mind' transform your potential ...into REALITY.

There are some very *powerful* mind techniques that've been around
for many years, but few people know of them ...and even fewer still
actually perform them.

If you look at the biographies and writings of most great
individuals, you will see they put these "mind techniques" into
daily practice (although many did so without being aware of it).

This Is Exciting News!

Just Think: Whether you want a million dollars, a slimmer figure,
more confidence, a better golf game, or anything else ...you can have

Performing these 'mind techniques' puts you back in charge.


Simple pranayama for mind control

the yogic way of breathingis pranayama
Breathing is life. The ancient yogis in India knew the intimate connection between breath and mind. For example, when your mind is angry, watch your breathing. It will be disturbed. And similarly, if you hold your breath for long, your mind will get agitated. The yogis were trying to get some degree of control over the mind. By controlling the breath, they were indirectly able to influence the mind. Breathing is an automatic process controlled by the autonomic nervous system. We do not have any conscious control over it. The science of bio-energy including the breathing movements is the practical yoga par excellence. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that one should practice Yoga to purify himself.

Pranayama, or control or regulation of the life force is the fourth step in the Ashtanga yoga system of Patanjali. The control of the breath leads to the control of the life force or prana. The ancient yogis developed many breathing techniques to maximize the benefits of prana. The word "Pranayama" is made up of two words, Prana and Yama. Here Prana means the capacity to keep body alive by air i.e breath and Ayama means expansion, stretching or extension and control of breath. Thus Pranayama means the art of controlling breath. Pranayama is used in yoga to clear and cleanse the body and mind. It is also used in preparation for meditation, asanas, postures and focussing of the mind. Pranayama create alertness, heat on both physical and subtle levels, and arouse body, mind and spirit or kundalini power. The purpose of Pranayama is to make the respiratory system function at its best. Pranayam is not so complex as it is thought to be. The ancient Sanskrit texts state that Pranayam properly done can cure all diseases, but wrongly done will only invite the same diseases. Therefore we must take extreme caution before practicing and learn it under the supervision of an experienced teacher. If you feel any kind of discomfort or symptom such as dizziness or nausea arising as you practice breathing, then lie down and relax in Savasana or the Child Pose for a few recovery breaths. If discomfort persists, do not continue your practice until you get advice regarding your symptoms.

Before doing Pranayama, one must first learn the sectional breathing. We breathe through three parts of the chest mainly, upper, middle and lower as well as the abdomen. We must first learn how to breathe through each part individually before we can breathe through all of them. Sectional breathing helps to increase the lung capacity by encouraging fuller breathing into the lungs. It has a deeply calm effect on body and mind. This technique is used as an introduction to the full Yogic breath. Simple breathing techniques can be used at the start of a session to calm and focus the mind and body. The practice of Pranayama is highly recommended before relaxation and meditation or at the end of the session.

Types of Pranayama

The different types of Pranayama are the Bhastrika Pranayam, Anuloma / Viloma, Kapalbhati, Bhramri, Sitlee, Sitkari, Ujjayi, Vedhene Bandh. The main Pranayama is the Bhastrika Pranayama.
0.Simple pranayama
Sit in sukhasana close the right nose using the thumb and breahte small equal amounts of air through the left nose for 10 times.Next close the left nose with ring finger and leave the air from the right nose. repeat the procedure by alternating the breathe in and breathe out for the right and left noses.

1. Bhastrika Pranayama
The word ‘Bhastrika’ is a Sanskrit word which means leather bellow, which was used in the olden times to blow furnaces, where air is forcibly drawn in and out. This pranayama increases the fire in the body. In this type of pranayama, the diaphragm movement is used for the internal fire creating physical, Pranic and psychic heat. Bhastrika constitutes as a very powerful pranayam. Basically, a combination of Kapalbhati and Ujjaye Pranayam makes one Bhastrika. One who starts practice of Kapalbhati or Ujjaye finds it very easy to do the Bhastrika.

Steps in Bhastrika Pranayama
1). Firstly, sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana with tends on knees and eyes closed. These postures lock the body into a stable position and permit freedom of abdominal movement. Also these postures are firm and strong which is a strong requirement for this pranayama in which rapid breathing is required.

2) Secondly, breathe in vigorously but deeply through both the nostrils and then breath out or exhale forcefully through both the nostrils. One such vigorous, forceful inhalation and exhalation with out any strain constitute one cycle of Bhastrika. It should be remembered that the inhalation should be with the same and uniform force and vigour. Please ensure that both nostrils are clear and blowing freely. The intensity or frequency of breathing should be very mild, without any undue force. It should be like an amplified form of normal breathing.

2. Ujjayi Breath
The Ujjayi technique is a very soothing technique which can be applied to sectional breathing or used while holding Yoga postures. This type of breathing helps to increase the lung capacity (and more oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream), energy levels, and also achieves a state of calmness and mental clarity. In this technique, partially close the back of your throat, which cover the windpipe, so that as you inhale and exhale through your nose, the air passes through a narrower air passage in your throat, creating the sound made by your breathing while you are in a state of deep sleep. This sound can be likened to the whispering of the letters “hhhhh” expressed on inhalation and exhalation.

3. Bhramri
Bhramri is known as the bee breath. Bhramri helps to clear and strengthen the respiratory system and improve vocal resonance. It has a calming effect on the body that uplifts the spirit, and clears and invigorates the mind. In this pranayama, keep your lips gently closed throughout, inhale deeply, then hum as you exhale, extending the exhalation as long as possible. Use your abdominal muscles to control the evenness of your breath on exhalation. Repeat this once more. If you wish to stimulate your lung cells to further invigorate the vocal resonance and your body, tap your chest with your fists or fingertips as you hum on the out breath.

4. Sitali and Sitkari
Sitali and Sitkari are the two breathing techniques which have a cooling effect on the body. This technique is very useful during the hot months of the year. They also calm the nervous system. Sitali, particularly, can alleviate nausea and the symptoms of asthma.

In Sitali on inhalation, curl your tongue so that the sides fold up, forming a tube, with your tongue protruding from you lips. Raise your chin as you inhale through your tongue (like a straw), feeling the cool air over the tongue. On exhalation, slightly lower your chin, place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth, close your lips, and exhale through your nose.

In Sitkari part your jaw slightly, so that your upper and lower teeth are a small distance apart. Your tongue rests at the base of your mouth, and the corners of your mouth are opened out as if in a wide smile. Inhale and exhale through your teeth, with the air passing over your tongue. The air should feel cool as it moves over the surface of your tongue during inhalation.

5. Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma means with the natural order and Viloma means going against the order. This technique helps to balance and harmonize the functioning of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. It has a soothing effect on the nervous system and calms the mind. Because exhalations are longer than inhalation, it encourages the removal of state air and toxins.

In this type of pranayama, raise your right hand, curling your forefinger and middle finger into your palm, leaving thumb, fourth finger, and little finger extended. Then place your thumb on the right side of your nose and apply gentle pressure just under the bone, where the fleshy part of the nose begins. Inhale through the left nostril then release and exhale through both nostrils. Then, use your fourth finger, apply pressure to the left nostril, inhaling through the right and release and exhale through both nostrils.


1.think about creativity

Brainstorm. If properly carried out, brainstorming can help you not only come up with sacks full of new ideas, but can help you decide which is best. Click here for more information on brainstorming.


Always carry a small notebook and a pen or pencil around with you. That way, if you are struck by an idea, you can quickly note it down. Upon rereading your notes, you may discover about 90% of your ideas are daft. Don't worry, that's normal. What's important are the 10% that are brilliant.


If you're stuck for an idea, open a dictionary, randomly select a word and then try to formulate ideas incorporating this word. You'd be surprised how well this works. The concept is based on a simple but little known truth: freedom inhibits creativity. There are nothing like restrictions to get you thinking.


Define your problem. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever you use to make notes, and define your problem in detail. You'll probably find ideas positively spewing out once you've done this.


If you can't think, go for a walk. A change of atmosphere is good for you and gentle exercise helps shake up the brain cells.


Don't watch TV. Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your brain to slowly trickle out your ears and/or nose. It's not pretty, but it happens.


Don't do drugs. People on drugs think they are creative. To everyone else, they seem like people on drugs.


Read as much as you can about everything possible. Books exercise your brain, provide inspiration and fill you with information that allows you to make creative connections easily.


Exercise your brain. Brains, like bodies, need exercise to keep fit. If you don't exercise your brain, it will get flabby and useless. Exercise your brain by reading a lot (see above), talking to clever people and disagreeing with people - arguing can be a terrific way to give your brain cells a workout. But note, arguing about politics or film directors is good for you; bickering over who should clean the dishes is not.

The principle is that the body always follows the mind.

In modern terms this means romance, and many of our reader's are looking for some ideas and we have some great ideas for to start thinking about:

* IDEA # 1 If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.

* IDEA # 2 Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!

* IDEA # 3 On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says: "I will love you until the last rose fades."

* IDEA # 4 Buy the domain name of your partner's name if it is available for example www.TanyaJohnston.com. Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page.

* IDEA # 5 Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying "In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world."


The first step towards knowledge is awareness of areas of ignorance. The more a person gets, the more he realizes what areas he is ignorant in. A person who thinks he knows everythig has the most to learn.
Ignorant people don't know they are ignorant.They don't know that 'they don't know'.In fact , more than ignorance, the bigger problem is the illusion of knowledge, because when you think you know something-but don't-your decision-making will be flawed.
"sixty years ago I knew everything; now i know nothing;education is a progressive discovery of your own ignorance"
Will Durant

Brainpower vs Brawn power

Animals are those people who have not received any education. And those who r not compassionate,no skill for anything and those who know not what charity is. A person who has got knowledge or skill for something, is richer than the rich who is not educated.
One must look carefully before treading to avoid ditches or potholes. A poject needs careful thought before being started.
To benefit from someone's advice aperson must have capacity to imbibe or riceive. A seive collects no water. No book can help a slow brain. A mirror in the hands of a blind person os of no use.
Don't ever live with your relatives as a poor consin. It will kill your self respectand you will lose confidence in yourself. It would be better ti retreat to some jungle and face its dangers. There you may lose your life but the honour will remain intact.
The birds converge on a tree in the evening to spend the night.But in the morning all of then fly in different directions in search of food. Man must learn a lession from this .Pepole come together and then they go thier own ways to pursue thier own interst. The separations must not grieve you. It is the law of nature.
The brain power is greater than brawn power. The brain has the winning edge


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LOVE is a feeling that clings materialistic mind on one single object
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NOVELEX(Novel Exercise)

Dr. Arnold Scheibel a neuroscientist beleives firmly that novel tasks stimulate brain power. Challenge the brain with anything new and different. He advises people to do things they have never done before. He himself recently took up sculpture. Novelty is very biologically stimulating to the brain. The Novelex programme calls for providing the brain with novel,unique and different eperiences on a day-to-day basis. They should constitute non-routine and unexpected experiences using various combinations of your physical senses - vision, hearing,taste,smell, and touch. It differs from other types of brian exercise, such as solving puzzles, riddles, magic squares, mathematical/accounting problems and memory exercise. Novelex makes use of the five senses in novel ways to develop the brain's natural drive to form associations between different types of information.

Adults normally go through life in remarkabnly fixed routines.Most of their actions are perfectly predictable and free from surprise.The result is that our brains's ability to make new associations declines. Routine behaviours are almost subconscious in nature and performed using a minimum of brain energy. Thus the brain gets little exercise . The power of the cortex to create new associations is, therfore, not properly utilised. The human brain hungers for novelity. It is designed to repond to new information coming from the outside world. the brain gets stimulated when novel and unexpected stimuli are presented. It is what turns the brain on. In reponse to novelity, cortical activity is increase in more and varied brain areas. this strenghtens synaptic connections, links different areas together in new patterns, and pumps up the production of neurotrophins.
Noveles is neither passive nor routine. It uses the sense in novel ways to break out of everyday routines. The latest brain imaging studies have clearly established that novel tasks activate large of the cortex , indicating increased levels of brain activity in several distinct areas. Of the five senses with which we establish contact with the outside world, we mostly rley upon only the two sense of vision and hearing. the other senses of taste,smell and touch are rarely used. Novelex makes use of all the senses.
Any exercise programme demands time. One should be higly motivated to set aside a specific time to slot take up a physical exercise programme. Fortunately, NOvelex programmes are designed in such a way that they fit into what you do routinely, without taking extra time.
they are recommended as a lifestyle choice, nopt as a crash course or a quick fix. Simply by making small changes in your daily habits you can turn daily routines into 'mind-building' exercise. How ever, Novelex exercises should not become a routine affair.

The following techniques constitute Novelex:

  • Involve one or more of your senses in a novel way:
    We normally use the sense of vision for most of our routine activities. When the sense of vision is blocked, you are forced to use other senses. For example, get dressed for office with your eyes closed.
  • HAve bath with the eyes closed: All activities relating to bathing should be done with the eyes closed . Your hands will probably notice varied textures of your own body, which you were not aware of earlier.
  • Make liberal use of your non-dorminant hand.
    If you are right handed , start using your left hand for most routine work like brushing your teeth , buttoning clothes, opening the door ,turning on switches, etc. A variety of things can be done using your left hand. When you use your left hand, your right brain is stimulated, which we rarely stimulate.
  • If you are habituated to using a ball pen, use jpencil or an ink pen.
  • Take a different route to yuour office/school or college.
    When you go on yuour normal route your brain gets on automatic pilot. When anything is done automatically without any awareness, the brain is not stimulate at all.
    when you take a new route all your sense must be alert while you drive.
  • If you want to read fast, silent reading is recommended.
    But if you want to stimulate your brain readin aloud helps. You may also ask a friend to read to you. When you read aloud or listen to someone read , you use very different circuits tha when you read silently. Brain imaging clearly showed three distint brain regions lighting up when the same word was read , spoken or heard. for example, listening to words activated two distinct areas in the left and rigth hemispheres of the cortex, while speaking words activated the motor cortex on both sides of the brain as wll as the crebellum. Just looking at words activites only one area of the corted in the left hemisphere.
  • if you are a South Indian, ocassionally try Norht indian dishes.
  • You may also change the order of eating , szy start with deset. Your brain will thank you for such a change.
  • Try to identify the items of oof on your plate only through the sense of smell.
  • When you go for a walk in the morning, try to change thr route every day. If you walk in a park , try to walk with your eyes closed.
  • If you plan a vacation, visit new places and interact with new people. the more you travel the more would be the brain power. Travel broadens teh vision and percepton and also stimulates the brain. Travelling is something novel for the senses.
  • Write something creative. Creative activity stimulates the brain.
  • Learn Sign language. this would not only help you communicate with challenged people comfortabley, but stimulate your brain because of the novel way of communiocating.
  • In office or at home, once in a way , repositon the furnitur and furnishings.
  • Learn a new language, acquire new skills and also try to understand and operate any new gadgets.
  • Constantly change the pattern of whatever you are doing.

    Do all the Novelex and Find out how refreshing you will be.Home
