Self Defense Kalari

Every intelligent law abiding citizen should be able to protect her/himself from physical threats. Today, with so many people learning one art or another, you should look for something more specialized, Kalari Payat is arguably one of the most specialized arts. Kalari Payat is a direct method of combat. Each one of the thousands of Kalari Payat techniques is a complete finishing tactic, which enables the person to get into the enemy and put him under control. It consists a wide range of methods of combat: chops, blows, kicks, punches, squeezes, locks, throws, sweeps breaking technique, fallen-down techniques and steps, movements and pressure-point tactics, also vital-point attacks, all methods of sticks, all ranges of weapons, swords, shields, axes, daggers, ropes etc., and all releasing techniques. It also includes yoga, acrobatics, gymnastics and wrestling for the body techniques. International Kalari Payat is taught strictly for self defense. It is aimed to equip it's practitioner with devastating combat tactics that would be applied in real defense. This training is a form of discipline which gives a basic knowledge in physical health and self defense. The art has it's origin with the training of soldiers, Buddhist monks as well as noblemen who had to learn the art, for there were frequent raids on the Kings and Princes' of the time in Kerala (South India) by neighbouring power crazy state/war lords as well as marauding thugs. Kalari Payat was developed a few thousand years ago in the state of Kerala in India, which was introduced in Malaysia by the Mahaguru Ustaz Haji Hamzah Haji Abu, who is the founder of the International Dynamic Self Defense Kalari Payat (FIDSDK).
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The struggle for existence is man's history and is as old as the beginning of man himself. The inventive nature of man has enabled him to be the master of his environment, when the brain and the brawn of man are put together, there is no other force but God in this world which would not bow to him. In the early days man had to fight not only against wild animals but also against man himself. So he had to try harder or improve methods to outdo others. This competition between man against man carried on and continues even today in this space-age. Thus any part of the world where man has inhabited there are traces of some art of combat method or as we call it today, the art of self-defense. In the olden days because of the lack of communication each group or race of people confined to their own part of the world and the knowledge or mode of living of those people stayed with them and come to be known as belonging to them only. The art of self-defense also suffered this confinement and so we hear today arts of self-defense of Indian origin and so on. Now we come to Kalari Payat, which has it's origin in Kerala State, South -West of India. It is based on the principal of first apparently giving way to the attacking force, then adding one's own force so that the sum of both forces is applied against the attacker. Thus a physically weaker defendant can gain victory over a stronger attacker. Up to a certain limit, all self-defense arts are martial arts in the full sense of the word. Beyond that limit all are deadly. Their deadliness can only be measured from the form of application they take. Kalari Payat is a combined application of might and wit. It's techniques are devised in such a way that at close combat even before the enemy thinks of making an attacking move, Kalari Payat experts can not only anticipate but also react accordingly. Training begins with respecting others. Each move, while teaching a new technique, involves certain limbs of the body. The exercises make the body fit and healthy and the feeling of well being develops the trainees. Kalari Payat can finally be compared to a spring which never dries up however much you draw from it.In Kalari Payat, students are more confident in trying new methods and practicing dangerous moves because even in the case of an accident, the instructor is well versed and qualified to remedy the situation and is a specialist on finger-pressure. Just as Kalari Payat is deadly, it has it's finer qualities in making it a really superior and sophisticated martial-art. The training itself is vigorous and painful. Only those with the self-discipline and perseverance can endure the early painful training session. With every new technique learnt, Kalari Payat makes one bold, self-assured and physically fit. It also works into the mental system and makes one calm, cool philosophic and god-fearing and keeps one's equanimity. Kalari Payat itself can be compared to a friend and companion because it comes to one's aid when one's life and properties are threatened by thugs, robbers or other intruders. It is like a religious teacher who teaches one to respect others and to be courteous to all. Anything that is deadly should be handled with care. Therefore Kalari Payat should also be given the respect. Otherwise it would react in such a reverse force that all the training, time and money spent will come useless and may turn against it's own master and destroy him. The long period of training taken to master Kalari Payat makes it a much desirable and reliable force. Kalari Payat totals eighteen (18) methods of training, there are 400 types of locks, the same number of throws and more than a thousand blows and punches. "INTERNATIONAL DYNAMIC" Kalari Payat was introduced in Malaysia by Ustaz Hj Hamzah Hj Abu (FIDK). Fired with enthusiasm to popularize the art he decided to introduce a grading system based on international standards (DAN SYSTEM) the roles and combat outfits have also been changed to reflect a "Modern Kalari Payat Warrior".