The brain is an unbelievably intricate entity in the univers. Even the most sophisticated computer in the world cannot have the storage capacity and information processing ability of the brain of an ordinary person. Unfortunately,no one utilises the full capacity of the brain. Even geniuses have used only a fraction of their brain capacity. Every one uses his or her brain but no one has tapped its full potential.The potential of the human mind is farMemory and Age: Develop skills to maximize your memory at all ages greater than we realize. Most of us use such a small fraction of our true potential, accepting that as the maximum of our potential, and we become complacent about exploring new horizons in our mental potential.
The following little example shows just how amazing the human brain is. Read the paragraph quickly, continuing even if you feel momentarily disoriented.
The pweor of the brain, is amainzg fcat is once we have laenred to read is that we can aulcaity uendrstnad waht we are raednig eevn when the ltetres are out of odrer. Accodrnig to a rschearch taem atUnderstanding how the Brain Works. Cmabrigde Uinervsity, it dseno’t mtaetr waht odrer the lteters in a word are, as lnog as the frsit and the lsat ltteer are in the rghit plaace. The rset of the leetrs can be a taotl mses and you will still be able to raed whotuit a pbrolem. This is beaucse the human mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. The named this cdonition Topoglycemia. Yes, I selpled Typoglycmia rhigt. Azanmig, isn’t it. I am slitl going to cnotniue to pay an eidtor. I think you will be rleieved.
I am sure you had moments when you wanted to stop. Perhaps on one side your mind was saying “wait a minute, this is nuts! These words are all spelled wrong and I can’t read this nonsense.” The fact is if you did the task as assigned, and continued to push forward, even in the face of Learning: Study skillsuncertainty, you understood the basic gist of the paragraph. Our brains are able to multi-task and do many different things at the same time. Your abilities are influenced by the boundaries you set for yourself, and your ability to push yourself beyond your present expectations is there, just waiting to meet the challenge.
Your brain affects everything you do and people who learn to use their brain power to their advantage accomplish more with less effort. Even as there is a link between your brain and everything you do, there is also a link between what you do while you are attempting to learn new material. The magical link between music and the mind indicates music has an impact not only on our mood but also on our behavior and our learning ability.
When you go shopping, the type of music played in stores is intended to put you in the mood to buy. When you go to a fast food restaurant, they do not play the same music as they play at a restaurant serving candle lit dinners. Places of worship choose specific music to affect your brain state. All these choices are intentional.How does the Brain Work?
Scientists have proven that people learn faster and retain information longer when they listen to Baroque Music, while studying. This is because your mind learns best when it is in alpha brain wave state. Alpha brain waves are produced when your heart beat is at rest. Baroque music is between 55 and 70 beats per minute, which is approximately the same as the rate of your heart beat when you are at rest.
In this magical state of complete relaxation and harmony with the music, your mind is able to learn more in less time, experiencing less stress, increasing your concentration and improving your memory. The Alpha wave state enhances creativity, increases blood flow to the brain and gives you a real sense of being uplifted and feeling good. It makes good sense. You may not intend to get a university degree, however, continued lifelong learning is enjoyable and a way to remain young at heart and vital.
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