Yoga sadhaka should follow continence, but this does not mean that he should renounce family life and become a monk; such an action is not expected in Yoga science. When a sadhaka progresses on the path of Yoga, on his own he feels that he should renounce the worldly activities and he will be free from all desires and hence can easily study dhyana and dharana. However, all of us need not follow this path. So we need not stretch the meaning of continence to this level. Controlled enjoyment of desires, staying within the limit of dharma and science can be termed as continence. If we understand this meaning and behave accordingly, we will be able to progress in Yoga. Due to uncontrolled behaviour, we are more restricted. Desires, their fulfillment and enjoyment do have a place in the family life, but there should be some limit. It is we who should control the desires and not desires controlling us. Once the desires start ruling us, we lose our freedom. If the desires are not fulfilled, then we lose our mental and physical well being.
If observing such continence seems difficult initially, when we think deeply about it, it is not so difficult as it seems. However, one has to make an effort. One should deliberately avoid consumption of items, which increase the desire or reading material, which excites the feelings. Old religious texts have detailed clarification on this point.
One who has renounced worldly matters, should abstain himself from the following matters and one who is following family life should avoid the following with other women excluding his wife:
1. Thinking about her in the mind
2. Hearing stories about her
3. Conversing with her
4. Seeing her
5. Smiling with or at her
6. Conversing with her alone
7. Touching her
8. Making love to her
However, in today's world avoiding all these, one may not be able to live. Hence, instead of literally following the instructions, one should try to understand the logic behind it. If such desires are not controlled and not fulfilled, they can prove harmful to the mind and the body. To avoid this, one must follow continence.
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