In spite of numerous studies on the brain much about it remains a mystry. Even today no one can say with authority how memery is formed.Many functions of the brain are not compleletly understood.Even with the latest developments in laser technology and the miracle of microchips,the brain largely remains an enigmatic organ.Its functions still remain amystry.We do not know with certainty whether brain and intelligence are one and the same.Can we say with authority that the brain is merely a physical organwhile intelligence is something intangible?Is it possible for scientists of fathom the properties of intelligence with greater detail?
Neuroscientists and phychologists are still debating about the role played by heredity and environment for the development of intelligence.How is it that children of the same parents display different aptitudes and talents? Are our very peronalities and natures only the byprodeucts of chemical neurotransmissions and electrical connections going on in a mass of pinkish grey organic matter?
These secrets and others are still locked with in 1.4 kg organ inside your skull, the brain but one thin is certain by physically improving your brain, you can easily improve its functioning.
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