The Law Of universe, also known as Cause and Effect or Sowing and Reaping is, like all Universal Laws , extremely important to understand and implement if you are to learn to purposefully and consciously attract the things into your life that you most desire. Equally as important is to learn how not to attract those things that you do not desire.
The Law Of universe like all other Universal Laws, cannot be changed or manipulated by anyone. Just like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is constantly at work and never rests. These natural laws have existed since the beginning of time and will remain into infinity. They are not subject to adjustment by you or I.
It will continue to operate exactly as it was created, regardless of your belief or unbelief in it.
You cannot hide from it orThe only control that you, as an individual have over it, is your choice or free will, as to what you give (vibration) to it escape it's effects.For those that choose to consciously create and live a life of Abundance and Happiness, this is Great News! Why? Because by becoming aware and developing an understanding of how the Law of Attraction operates and consciously aligning your thoughts and emotions with it's verifiable, unwavering and predictable operation, you can then use (implement) it, to attract to yourself, specific outcomes, that prior to acquiring this knowledge, seemed to happen only by chance.
But first, if you are to utilize it's power to begin to consciously create what you desire, you must first have an awareness of it's operation.
It will then become your choice whether to accept or deny it as truth although the refusal to accept and acknowledge it won't change the fact that it is due to it's unwavering and predictable nature that you are experiencing the life results that you are
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