A Vital Organ

The most important organ in our body is the brain, and it is also amongst the most neglected. WE take great pains by way of physical fitness programmes to preserve our heart. We exercise to strengthen our muscles.But we take our brain for granted. the attention we pay to our heart and lungs does for granted. The attention we pay to our heart and lungs does not guarantee that our brain will remain completely functional. We can control and master our environment only if our brain is in proper working order. Even if you want to move your fingers, the command has to come from your brain. All organs. including internal ones like the heart, lungs liver,etc, function at the dictates of the brain. When a person's leg is paralysed the problem is not in his legs but in his brain.

Many people who lose limbs like the hands or legs or even parts like the eyes still become successful in their lives provided their brain functions at an optimum level. they simply have to make some minor adjustments. thanks to advances in medicine we are able to replace the kidneys, lungs and heart with transplants. But the slightest damage to the brain stem,which connects the large brain to the spinal cord, will produce irreversible coma. A person in coma will continue to live with all the other organs functioning normally , except consciousness. But he would only vegetate- leading a life without any meaning. The brain is the only organ that we cannot live without. The joy and sorrow of life comes from the brain. We operate our entire life through the functioning of the brain. The structure and functioning of the brain is so intricate and complicated that it can never be replaced with a transplant.

Without the brain functioning properly, life is not worth living. Our aim in life is not just physical survival. Just think of those who are insane or suffer from Alsheimer's disease that completely takes away memory. They only exist physically. Only the brain has the capacity to control and shape the environment around us. The extent of control that we can exercise depends upon the mental abilities that we have developed in our brain over a lifetime.

It is generally believed that as we advance in age brainpower declines. Many ask: "Will i lose brainpower and become forgetful just because I am growing old"? The answer is an emphatic 'No' Loss of brainpower as we advance in age is not inevitable. Several research results have recently proved that the power of the brain can be maintained throughout life, and can also be improved. We have to take preventive steps early in life to be able to keep up the tempo and power of our brain, as we grow older.