In Sanskrit "sama" means "equilibrium". In this asana the external organs of the body are kept in such a way that they stand divided into two, hence the name Samasana.

- Sit with both legs together and stretched, toes erect, spine erect and both hands straight and palms resting on the floor.
- Spread both the legs and keep them at a distance of 1 to 1.5 feet.
- Fold left leg and place its sole touching inner side of the right thigh.
- Fold right legand place its foot in between the thigh and the calf of the leg.
- Keep the wrists of both the hands on the respective knees and take Gyana Mudra.
- Continue normal breathing.
- While releasing from the pose, gradually bring the hands beside the waist.
- Straighten the right leg.
- Straighten the left leg.
- Get both the legs together, return to the sitting posture.
- As the backbone is kept vertical and upright, it starts functioning better.
- If Dhyana Mudra is practiced along with this asana then they together work great for stabilizing pulse beats.
- Strained muscles are healed gradually and therefore in return it heals up the strains on the heart. Consequently, breathing slows down.
- This asana is particularly useful for concentration and meditation.
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