Mind mapping

Mind Mapping
The Brain often recalls information in the form of pictures,symbols,sounds,shapes and feelings.The mind map uses these visual and sensory reminders in a pattern of connected ideas, like a roadmap for studying,organising and planning , It can generate original ideas and easy recall. It is easier than traditional methods of note taking because it activates both sides of the brain. I t is also relaxing, fun and creative. It is easier to remember the details from a mind map because it is written in a form that your brain naturally follows.

Making a Mind Map:
Use coloured pens and start in the middle of the paper. If convenient, turn the paper sideways to provide more space. Then follow the steps given below:
->Print the main topic or idea in the middle and enclose it within a circle,square, or other shape.
->Add a branch extending out from the centre for each key point or main idea. The number of branches will vary with the number of ideas or segments. Use different colours for each branch.
->Write a keyword or phrase on each branch,building out to add details. Key words are those that convey the art of and idea and trigger your memory. If you use abbreviations, be sure you are familiar with them so you'll instantly be able to identify what they stand for days or weeks later.
-> Add symbols and illustrations for better recall.
-> Write legibly or in CAPITAl letters.
-> Make important ideas larger so they will you jump out at you when you reread your notes.
->Underline words. Use bold letters wherever necessary.
->Construct your mind map horizontally to increase the amount of room you have for your work.

Preparation of mind mapping requires creativity and imagination. The brain is extraordinary stimulated when it is engaged in creativity and imagination.
